Mac v. PC for a CS major

I've been a long time PC user (for as long as I can remember) and I need to get a new laptop for college (Computer Science major). I don't have a problem with Windows at all, in fact I prefer it, nor have I been plagued by the "rampant spyware and viruses" that Mac users love to talk about. However, all the Windows laptops I've seen just look and feel so cheap and plasticky, especially next to these shining, metal Apple beauties. This leads me to look at Apple as a viable option.
As much as I love the pretty and exciting newness of OSX, I don't want to throw out everything that Windows has, especially Winamp. I'm conflicted.
What does everyone have and use?</p>

<p>Have you looked into the new Lenovo Tablet PC? I am not sure if it is coming out before school starts or later in 2008.</p>

<p>Why dont you get a Mac that runs Windows?</p>