MacBook or PC?

I’m going to be a freshman next year at USC and I will be a business major. Is a MacBook Pro or a PC more suitable?

my son will a freshman in the fall within business college (not at USC) - actuarial science major. just today he bought a macbook pro.

he chose it mainly because he has used mainly macs; and wont be too concerned about viruses and virus protection. he bought a refurbished computer from the apple website. When he registered for classes they had no preference; but he did ask his professors about it. good luck!

Either should work fine. If you’re willing to pay more for the same specs (the Apple premium), I’d go Macbook. In my own experience, MacBooks have held up over time better, but ymmv. I can’t think of any concrete reason to need one or the other, so you can choose whichever one you prefer.

If you go MacBook, you can stack an educational discount (need a .edu email address) on a refurbished computer. This can save hundreds of dollars compared to a full-cost, brand new MacBook.

If you go PC, I like Dells. However, some business major friends preferred IBM/Lenovo. However, I recommend against those due to security issues:

son just finished freshman year as USC accounting major. Very happy with macbook pro

Get what you are comfortable using. Kid bought a used PC laptop for general stuff because she got a good deal on it. Also has a Mac desktop. She hasn’t expressed any preference one way or the other, and we’re a mostly Mac family.

So get what you think fits for you.