Mad Men and Don Draper meet their end

Nice little article, thanks.

I think the theme music is more basically an echo of a few things: Nelson Riddle-like strings that recall Sinatra’s Wee Small Hours (1955) with that overlaid by an almost bop-like drum track and these represent the traditional and emerging counter-culture. I think this because the show begins in the dark suit narrow tie 50’s and goes through the 60’s into the 70’s and we see the counter-culture become mainstream - a big one being the weird episode when they try to sign the Rolling Stones for some ad and they are ridiculously out of place.

Lergnom, you should start a blog. I’ll be the first to read it.

I will really miss MMMMQ


I’ve been watching random episodes and it’s interesting how much people have changed, much more than in real life. Joan’s transformation, Peggy’s are huge. And I notice a lot how much Don used to talk to people and do advertising work and then how he rarely or barely speaks.

The AMC marathon is quite addictive, and as others have mentioned, such fun to see how young everyone was, and more interesting knowing the story arc.

TIME magazine- A real Life Peggy Olsen discusses Mad Men finale.

A few favorite scenes in the marathon:

  1. Peggy and Stan's first bits culminating in their working in a hotel room and Peggy taking Stan up on his "nudism" thing and stripping and he's unable to concentrate. His boasting anti-womanness never goes away completely but the last time we saw them at SC&P Peggy was talking about giving up her child and Stan was sitting there understanding and quiet.
  2. Ida Blankenship. Pretty much anything to do with Ida Blankenship, culminating in her death and Don's saying to Faye Miller "I'd send my secretary but she's dead." That same episode has Kiernan Shipka's epic breakdown when she refuses to go home with Betty. Terrific acting all the way through by the kid.
  3. The best episode may be the one on Peggy's birthday when she and Don work all night because she doesn't tell him its her birthday (and her boyfriend has been waiting at a restaurant, etc.) and he received a message from CA and he knows Anna is gone. Simple brilliant writing, acting and direction.

Knowing what I know about Betty’s fate, I could barely hold myself back from saying something to D during all the references and performances of “Bye Bye, Birdie” in the early seasons:

Pete suggesting he get tickets to it for a client.
Ann Margret singing it.
Peggy singing it to her mirror.

Noted without comment.

Just watched a pivotal scene regarding Sally / don, and more interesting now we know about Betty’s diagnosis.
Sally went to her roommates mother’s funeral, discovers don is no longer working, leading to the scene in the diner where don attempts to talk to a very hostile sally.

She discussed the way the mother looked in the " casket" yellow and With wig- ( Betty has arranges how she will appear - saving family members from those decisions )
Don responds he is sorry she had to see that and that " life moves on" …

Final scene sally walking stairs into her dorm, after telling don on valentines day, she loves him.!

Song at end of show- " this will be our year, and it took a long time to come"…,…
I predict Don returns to family responsibility- and, Pete dies in plane crash- ( his fear of flying and his father died in crash)

Remember when Sally said to one of her schoolmates, “I’d love to put Betty in the ground.”

Nice article - all questions ( no answers of course )

Prediction, the opening scenes when don is siting with arm outstretched on couch, might be final scene, and he will be looking at his kids, in living room.

Watching the marathon here. Did anyone see the ad for tonight’s episode? It shows Don holding something with the name Don Draper on it. Then the voiceover says something about this being Don’s first big lie. And tonight we’ll find out his last.

^ I didn’t notice this - mmmmmmmmm " last final lie" ???

I predict that the show opens at a funeral. Only it’s not Betty’s, it’s for Pete. But don’t listen to me. I predicted that Firing Line would win the Belmont.

^ twitter universe will go ballistic with that opening scene - love it.
Just heard ken cosgrove say he now " has material" for a book…flash forward and ken has written madmen :wink:

The voiceover ad says this is the first lie in Mad Men, not by Don Draper.

^ lergnom - any ideas ? Predictions ???

Fun article- entertainment weekly staff predict ending.

My favorite :

i have been enjoying the marathon, and actually have found myself feeling nervous today for the ending.