Mad Men and Don Draper meet their end

Sally will probably be haunted for the rest of her life by that remark about wanting Betty “in the ground”.

I predict that Don, having finally come to terms with his past, will step up and find his purpose in life by taking responsibility for his kids. He will be generous to Henry concerning visitation but it will be very clear; these are Don’s children. I can’t see him dragging the kids off to California, away from their schools, friends, and everything familiar to them. He’s going to be determined to get it right and give his (soon to be) motherless children what he never got. I have no idea what he will do professionally and am curious about how that will play out but I’m sure McCann will not ever be in his future. He’s spent his entire working life in advertising trying to avoid that “sausage factory”.

I really think that we will have a nice resolution between Don and Peggy and that Peggy will finally get to make her long desired trip to Paris. I really hope that Don and Betty have one final, sweet scene together but I suspect that we have already had their last scene together.

I’d love to see Roger and Mona reconcile before he dies, although I’m only 60% sure he will . It’s been foreshadowed so much, that I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t.

If anyone goes down in a plane crash, I hope it’s Harry Crane along with all the executives at McCann :slight_smile:

Missypie you could be right…the Belmont hasn’t been run yet!

Fairly certain my reaction at the end will be: “Whaaaaat??”

Hope the last shot is a back shot of Don in that chair, on a California beach, watching his kids.

But I read somewhere that he will end up in Wichita, that there were signs as early as the pilot, and that the road directions he gave to Sally last week would take him straight to Wichita.

Positive that my prediction of him sitting on a lawn chair on his NY balcony as the final shot, is incorrect!

I hope he does the right thing for his children, wherever they end up.

One more thing; I really, really want Pete and Trudy to buy a new sofa when they get to Wichita because they one they have is really awful.

Three minutes to go,

“Don. Come home.” Peggy

(edited to add: woops, 15 minutes to go. Come on, Don.)

Thank you, Stan + Peggy.

“It’s like no one cares that I’m gone.”

It was Zen.

And, I used to listen to that song all the time – The New Seekers. It’s quite a scary coincidence.


Soooo…He went back and was responsible for that ad? Inspired by his est time on the CA coast? I so remember that ad!

He really is a selfish prick for not rushing to his children.

My kids are now old enough to watch it so maybe we’ll watch Season 1 this summer.

I can’t remember ever being this disappointed in the ending of a show I cared about. I guess the Stan and Peggy bit is good and I’m glad Joan has found a fulfilling career where she’s in charge.

I had hoped that Don would get himself together but apparently he’s hopeless. Enjoy your pointless hippie life, Dick.

He got his act together, went Mack to McCann and did the Coke commercial. I thought it was pretty satisfying.

Happy about:

Peggy and Pete’s last scene
The Campbells going into their Learjet
Kenny is doing his thing at Dow
Harry is still a jerk and a pig
Joan is a TV commercial mogul
Stan and Peggy, together at last

Was that supposed to have been his ad? I thought it was Peggy’s.
I always thought it was pretty insipid and phony but I know it was a big success, so I’m in the minority. If it was Don’s ad and he did go back to McCann then it was a pretty cynical ending.

I liked it. Loved it, actually, that Don was apparently responsible for the classic Coke commercial. It all fits… I’ll really miss this show.

Tears in my eyes.

Not disappointed, - points for creativity.
People are who they are- one of the tenets of the show.

Sally and Betty convinced me that Don was not the right adult for the kids.
Agree with attorneymother’s highlights-

The Stan/ Peggy confession was one part fairy tale, but two parts satisfying. Except the kiss was awkward. Ewww.

Don blissfully tapping into his creativity, channeled the " vibe" and created one of the most iconic ads of all times.
Ironic he turns a spiritual journey into commercial success- the genius of Don Draper!

No…don’t you think Peggy wrote the ad???

@bgbg4us, the link you posted got it right!

Post 156 for the win! I interpret the ending to mean that Don goes back to NY and advertising, invents the Coke ad and eventually raises his kids. The scene at the retreat with the woman who had been abandoned by her mother as well as the man whose family did not see him was a clear message that if he let the kids be raised by others, they would never forgive or forget. It was definitely not lost on him.