Madison Biology

I’m an incoming freshman, I got into letters and science as undecided, not sure what I want to do. But I like Biology but med school seems unrealistic. Is there a realistic path of a biology-based degree in letters and science to a solid non-med school job after? If so, what major, and what potential jobs?

@ed5060 when you get on campus, like a few weeks after the semester starts, go to the Career Exploration Center in Ingraham hall. They have great advisors that can help you figure out what careers you can go into with biology, and also look at your interests and strengths to figure out what major you should choose. Here’s a link to their website:

The two biggest career opportunities with a degree in Biology are retail and fast food. I joke, but only a little.

Hi Eeyore123. I am not arguing with you in any way and there is some truth to Biology as a major. I just noticed that you bashed Biology majors in 2 different threads recently and was wondering if you had experience with this or what your recommended majors would be? Specifically for someone interested in the healthcare field.

Physician here. For healthcare you major in the specific field. Biology is so generalized- even zoology and botany are. Not a major that prepares you for many jobs without specific skills in something. Post #2 is fine.

Think of the many allied health fields. Nursing. Physical and Occupational Therapy. Medical Technology. Pharmacy. For Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Dentistry you need to major in something/anything you actively like. There are fields that do not require a bachelors or beyond degree that some with a degree may like. Radiology Technician. Respiratory Therapist. Ultrasound Technician. These are off the top of my head.

Do some research- I can Google easily, but so can you.

College can be for both job skills and an education. You choose the major that meets your needs. Some want a specific field, others end up in many jobs where having the degree in anything helps.