Madison, Michigan, Michigan Tech or Minnesota? (engineering)

I have been admitted to all except Michigan. What are some of the pros and cons of each school for engineering and in general? Obviously all are great schools I’m just looking for a way to chose between them. Also all except Michigan are almost the same cost.

First check on the academics for your proposed major. Look at the courses required, available and other academic requirements. Look at hiring opportunities at each school. Rank them for yourself. Eliminate any that fall well below others in your academic experience. Consider the ability to be accepted and succeed in your specific engineering field.

Next look at the campus itself. Michigan Tech needs to be good for your academic needs because of its isolation and weather. Consider the campus atmosphere- does it suit you? Again, make lists of likes/dislikes and do rankings.

Once you have spent time doing comparisons of factors that matter to you one may emerge as your favorite. After doing a hard, scientific analysis you need to go with your gut feelings. Review the costs- tuition and fees, room and board plus other food costs, transportation, books, other expenses that may vary by school.

Make your choice and DO NOT look back. Enjoy the path you choose.