Mail during the summer

<p>Since the post office will be holding our mail for a few weeks during the summer, I called a few offices at UM to try to find out whether any important info would arrive while no one is here monitoring the mail. Here is what I learned:</p>

<p>The Bill - mailed about July 4, due August 1. Scholarships offered by the schools (S got a Bus scholarship in addition to what he got from admissions) are not always posted by then so we might need to pay the amount without the Bus scholarship and then when it comes through it will sit on account as a credit for the next bill.</p>

<p>Orientation - They do send some stuff but nothing that needs immediate attention or a reply.</p>

<p>Housing - Roommate info is mailed in late June. Once it is mailed, it is also up on Easy Miami, so a kid away from home can get that info off the internet and then call or email the roommate from wherever he or she is. Kids can also call Housing to get that info if need be, once it is decided.</p>

<p>Bus school - They have already sent registration stuff and won't be sending anything else. </p>

<p>I also left a message with the adcomm, to see if I have neglected any other office, but haven't heard back yet.</p>

<p>And since I was having trouble finding the meningococcal vaccine here, I called the health service and the kids can get it when they arrive. They will only pay for the vaccine. Here, I did finally find it at a travel clinic but they wanted a clinic fee and the cost of the vaccine. UM will be cheaper.</p>

<p>I must say, dealing with UM has been a pleasure from our very first contact in October! A person always answers the phone and people are uniformly helpful. Calls get returned, email is replied to - truly a pleasure, esp. compared to USC!</p>

<p>Thanks for the info-I hadn't thought of checking on this.</p>

<p>We have also found all our dealings with UM to be a pleasure. I just posted about my S's interview and the personal attention he has felt on another thread. When he narrowed the final decision down to 2 schools of comparable academics, it was the attitudes of the kids and administration that tipped the scale to UM. He said everyone at UM tries to make you feel at home-they care about the students.</p>

<p>"Calls get returned, email is replied to - "</p>

<p>U of Miami received both calls and e-mails regarding a scholarship matter. We did not get replies from either source. Dropped UM from daughters consideration...</p>

<p>Sorry to hear that Dudedad. We did hear of a local kid whose app was misplaced and as they never checked to be sure things had arrived, it did have some ramifications. No school is perfect, but for us, UM seemed to be!</p>

<p>M3S, we also had a fabulous interaction with the adcomm and we have remained in touch. In fact, I offered to be part of their "Parent Connection" group - parents who are willing to talk to the parents of prospective and incoming students.</p>