
<p>so should I pay separate money for the mailbox?</p>

<p>i am trying to mail my new laptop to college but I was confused when I saw my ferguson mail center and it told me to pay 50$/semester. It just looked strange because my sister in OSU used mailbox w/o paying extra.</p>

<p>Paul - You are correct in that many colleges have mailboxes in each dorm and there is no extra cost for a mailbox. UA is different, and yes, if you WANT a mailbox (for receiving letters, cards, newspapers, magazines), you need to pay the $50 for the semester. If you simply want to receive packages only, you can do that for free, using your MSC# (your individual mail code found on mybama). More info here: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thank you. I just need package.</p>