Maintaining a 3.2?

<p>Could current students give some idea on how hard it is to maintain a 3.2 gpa for a SIS major?

<p>Yeah, I’d like to know this too! </p>

<p>hello5, what’s your intended major? I’m a prospective SISer too.</p>

<p>It depends a lot on how good your study, writing, and time management skills are coming in, and the work load you are used to. A 3.2 is the average GPA at AU though.</p>

<p>I had a 3.3 last semester and this semester not so much. I don’t party a lot but I just have a supppper hard writing and french class this semester! I’m so nervous. </p>

<p>But I’m like a raity. Most of my friends have like 3.4s or 3.5s.</p>

<p>How about for science? I’m sure GPA averages are lower for it.</p>

<p>Studying skills are so important. Studying is not about re-reading the material numerous times. I have learned that a lot of students have ineffective study skills by frequenting these boards - for example, students take tons of practice tests for the SATs and ACTs instead of prepping for the material. That works for some people, but I think that finding out the most efficient way of studying is of absolute importance. I can study for a test for half the time as a couple of my friends and score as well or better. It isn’t because I’m “smarter”, I’ve just learned some nifty study methods that work really well for me.</p>