Major Faux Pas on Research Paper: Help?

<p>So we were assigned a research paper in english and my topic was embryonic stem cells. The paper is not allowed to cover ethics whatsoever, just facts and articles etc. I thought I was supposed to compare and contrast two sides because our teacher told us "you can't have any sort of bias". Normally I would write it the correct way but I got mixed up pretty hard core. She told me after reading my prelim outline and looking at the 250 notecards I jotted down that my format was messed up and I needed to do a more "Argumentative 'Pro/Con'" type paper.</p>

<p>My Outline Went Like This:
(Text In Parenthesis is for your benefit since you don't have the paper in front of you)</p>

<p>I. Embryonic Stem Cells (Explaining Them)
A. How They Work
B. History/Process (Medical)
C. Dangers Of Embryonic Stem Cells</p>

<p>II. Alternative Methods
A. Mononuclear Stem Cells
B. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (IPS)
C. Other Less Common Methods</p>

<p>III. Studies/Uses (A Comparison)
A. Heart Repair In Animals Study
B. Cancerous Stem Cell Studies
C. Fetal Repair Study
D. Immuno Defficiency Study
E. Paralysis Study
F. Extrapolations / Other Possible Uses</p>

<p>How Can I make this more to the desires of my teacher "pro/con".</p>

<p>I also came up with this thesis:</p>

<p>The treatment of disease by way of embryonic stem cells is more efficacious and viable than the other, less scientifically proven alternatives such as IPS or mononuclear stem cells. </p>

<p>Any suggestions? I greatly appreciate any help in advance =D </p>

<p>(I'm not trying to "cheat or break the Homework Help Rules", I just need some general guidance here as I'm stressing)</p>

<p>Bump? 10Char</p>

<p>Pretty good thesis.</p>

<p>For the pros, you can list like how it is helping cure people of disabilities, etc. I know that stem cells are currently helping otherwise disabled people learn to walk, and pretty soon, they will be on their feet again.</p>

<p>Also, in my case (you answered my post so you prolly know), they are making stem cells to regrow the tiny delicate hairs in the ear in order to regain hearing, etc</p>

<p>for cons…i can’t really see anything…its just helping people</p>