What should I major in if I want to be a serial entrepreneur? I’ve head computer science is good, but I feel like colleges won’t accept me for computer science because I don’t have any experience in it in my high school activities.
Thank you!
I don’t quite understanding your question. You do not need to go to college to be an entrepreneur. You just have to be savvy, be able to take initiatives and risk.
Some business schools offer “entrepreneurship” as a major.
I would imagine that would depend on what KIND of entrepreneur you want to be. If you have some kind of driving interest, you could find a way to develop and market it…the need to gain knowledge and skills in that area (along with some business training) might point you to a pertinent field of study.
You don’t have to have CS in high school in order to get into a CS program.
Find an entrepreneur program. Also, sales, sales, sales. And if your technical, major in engineering. Watch shark tank and learn from those people presenting their businesses. Good luck.
One attribute virtually all entrepreneurs share is being really good sales people. Many start out that way, working for a company, becoming a sales leader, and then move on to start their own thing. Sales is a great thing, very liberating if you’re good at it. Not a dirty word.