Major in school of CS

Are students accepted by major within the school of computer science?

The school of computer science accepts majors in computer science

My understanding (and this may be a bit dated, so cross check), is that SCS accepts you into the school - and all admitted SCS students can select CS as their major, but there are restrictions / additional requirements to declare one of the other majors.

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So no one is accepted by major? They are accepted to school and then apply for major?

Is that true for college of engineering and college of social science? How hard it is to switch major within college.

There isn’t a secondary admissions process after you get accepted into SCS. You can simply pick CS as your major, or one of the other majors if you meet the requirements.

I am not familiar with their process, so can’t comment.

First year students admitted to SCS are considered undeclared during their first year. These students declare their SCS major in the second semester of their first year of study .

Switching between CS majors is not difficult.

Switching engineering majors depends on demand. I switched ChemE to MechE after Freshman year, but switching to ECE would have been a challenge.

Switching from outside SCS to a CS major should be considered very difficult.

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