Majoring in Chemistry or Biochemical Engineering

<p>I checked the Major's req's amd it looks like if I major in these fields that I have to start right in freshman year and have no extra curriculars?
Can that really be true?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I know its perfectly explained on the page.
Am I not getting something or is this an insane schedule? I only see 2 preset electives in the schedule and their both chemistry!!
I feel dumb opening this thread.
But if this is true who the hell would major in these fields?</p>

<p>Biochemical engineering or actually all engineering majors are known for having like 180-200 units required for just their major, limiting the number of GE’s you can take. You have to be either hate GE’s or are really into your subject in order to go for it. And, trust me, plenty of people do just that.</p>

<p>I am a che major. We have 132 total required hours, but even this curriculum seems somewhat insane. Required summer school for two summers? We have a required summer school lab between junior and senior year but it is a 5 week super intensive lab where we learn various processes and experiments and do presentations etc. </p>

<p>Make sure you find out exactly how those summer classes will work, i.e., if you receive a full scholarship does it cover those summer classes? Is it for the entire summer? I am on a “full scholarship” but I didn’t realize I had to take this summer lab until my sophomore year. Also, finding a place to live for 5 weeks can be a pain.</p>