Majors confusion?

<p>Hi everyone, so I got accepted to University of Alabama’s College of Business and Commerce under the “marketing and management major” but I’m not sure this is the right major, and I want to change it before it’s too late. Basically I wanted to major in International Business but I don’t see that Bama offers that as a major. BUT when I went under the marketing courses, it listed International Business courses? This is why I’m so confused. I planned on majoring in International Business paired with marketing. But now I am thinking that maybe I picked the wrong major, and I should have done economics? I see that economics major has a specialization in international economics. I am going to law school for international law after getting my undergrad, so which major would be more helpful? Which is more employable? I also want to have foreign language as a part of my curriculum.</p>

<p>Please help!</p>

<p>If you’ll be going to law school, then there’s no issue of “which major is more employable.” People with law degrees aren’t hired based on their undergrad majors. Those become irrelevant.</p>

<p>Since you have an interest in International Law, then pick any major that includes some international-related courses…and take some foreign language courses. But in the end, with a law degree it really won’t matter which route you go for undergrad.</p>

<p>That said, if you want to do the specializations in Int’l Finance or In’tl Econ, then choose the route that most interests you. Or do Marketing with the specialization of “Global Business”.</p>

<p>Did you look at the General Business major with specialization in “Global Business”.</p>

<p>Seems like you have several routes you could go.</p>

<p>When I look over Culverhouse, to me it looks like your best choice would be doing Global Business either under “General Business” or Global Business under “Marketing”…depending on whether the Gen Bus req’ts interest you…or the Marketing req’ts interest you. </p>

<p>The specializaation is the same, it’s the req’ts of Gen Bus or Marketing that are different.</p>

<p>Both require 4 semesters of a FL in one language…</p>

<p>Personally, I think the Gen Business with Global Business specialization would be the best foundation for your ultimate career goal…but really it won’t matter once you have your law degree.</p>

<p>Although the exact major should not make a difference, the skills that you acquire during that major may play a part in the future. Recent newspaper articles that I have read indicated that there are many more students graduating from law schools than there are jobs in that field. New lawyers can find it hard to find a job in law, often being unemployed or underemployed.</p>

<p>Make sure that whatever major you choose, you are obtaining skills to fall back on, or ones that will compliment a job in the legal field. If you do not already have familiarity with a second language, you may want to do a little research before you pick that language. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>Thank you both for your responses! I was initially more interested in marketing rather than just business, just because I don’t want too general of a major. Therefore I’m thinking of taking the global marketing route…but I am listed as simply just marketing as my major, would I need to change that or is global business not listed as a major to choose from and you specialize when you get there? That’s where I’m a little confused. I am fluent in French already so I would probably take German. I have been to Germany before and know about the language and such. And I want an international job (in Europe) hopefully in the future so I think German would probably be my best bet since I already know French.</p>

<p>You don’t need to pick a specialization now. :)</p>