<p>A thread for Malaysians applying to the States for class of '13. :)</p>
<p>haha… it’s pretty quiet here but i think there’re probably quite a lot of msian students scouring CC for information. :)</p>
<p>Teo Xian Jin! Hahaha…</p>
<p>I’m curious as to how many Malaysians are applying to the States this year.</p>
<p>Hey… I’m applying to the States too. You both seem to know each other. Which school ya all from?</p>
<p>finally, we have a malaysian thread! <em>jakuns</em></p>
<p>yup there are probably lots of malaysian lurkers here.</p>
<p>anyway, where is everyone from? and where are you all applying to? :D</p>
<p>Our aboriginals deserve more respect than that :)</p>
<p>I’m from KL. Am applying to Middlebury, Colby, Bates and Whitman. I doubt my admission into the first 2 colleges tho…</p>
<p>Hey hi fellow Malaysians. :)</p>
<p>Nah…Xian Jin and I only met recently a US students/alumni/applicants gathering.</p>
<p>To be frank, I’m not very optimistic about our chances…</p>
<p>If I’m not mistaken…</p>
<p>In the year 2007, there were 3 Malaysian Harvard entrants, 5 Malaysian MIT entrants and at least 2 Malaysian Princeton entrants.</p>
<p>In the year 2008, there was 1 Malaysian Harvard entrant, 1 Malaysian MIT entrant and 1 Malaysian Princeton entrant.</p>
<p>For the year 2009, the number of Malaysian applicants for almost all US schools reached record highs. </p>
<p>Add that to the slash in financial aid implemented by almost all schools due to the economic crisis, this is going to be the toughest year for Malaysian applicants yet.</p>
<p>Ola, fellow M’sians!
I want to apply to the states but its not my time yet XD
Oh, btw, can anyone tell me why are people applying for the 2013 classes now?? Its like 5 years from now!! Sorry, i’m kinda blur in these things…
Anyway, do you all know the minimum requirements for a M’sian to get into an Ivy?
like, 11A1s in SPM, Head Prefect… etc etc
I was going through the Ivy League discussion board and omg those people are seriously ‘cun’…
You can get seriously depressed just reading their accomplishments, you know what i mean??</p>
<p>:D Class of 2013 signifies that the class graduates in 2013. Admits in 2009, therefore that is four years of undergraduate studies. It’s ok about not knowing abt these things yet, you got a long more way to go, 93’er… :D</p>
<p>One thing you got to realise is that CC is filled with overachievers. Like you said, comparing yourself to those ppl with fantastic stats would only bring discouragement. Each individual’s background is different. For some, extracurriculars would be hard to come by. Not everyone has the privilege of having intellectual stimulation from young and some are simply late bloomers.</p>
<p>As to the perfect recipe for admission into the ivy leagues… I don’t know. Just be yourself. :D</p>
<p>hey guys, i’m from KL as well… yea admissions this year seems like real tough, given the cocktail of negative factors against us. Just curious, what year are you guys born in? i’m an 88 actually, pretty old for '13.</p>
<p>hehe sorry there mimanchi. btw, i’m from kl too! where are you studying now? i’m applying to 10 unis (all ivy/ivy standards). anyway, hope you get into either middlebury/colby :)</p>
<p>and txj, you’re never too old for anything :)</p>
<p>anyway i’m guessing everyone here are 90/89s, right? i’m a 90 btw.</p>
<p>and stephanie93, there is no minimum requirement. there isn’t a perfect recipe to get into US unis. but your koko do help your applications. don’t be discouraged by the overachievers here haha. like mimachi said, just be yourself, and put your best foot forward. anyway, luckily you read this early, you must only be in Form 4 right? just worry about getting good grades in school and being active in koko for now :)</p>
<p>hmm i guess this year will be tough for everyone in general. though i was hoping admission chances for internationals would go up because economic crisis = the states need more money = they want internationals coz it’s like import to them. i think i’m just being (overly)optimistic though, with record-breaking amount of applicants. we’ll just see come april i suppose.</p>
<p>and are any of you also from recom.org?</p>
<p>hi! I took my SAT Reasoning Test on January 29th, so the results would be out most probably by mid-Feb. Do you think it’ll be too late for the Fall 2009 application? The SPM results would be out by March, do ya’ll think colleges consider your SPM results? Thanks for reading, any input would be welcome =)</p>
<p>hey Sarah… you mean the Jan SAT on the 24th right? I took the test on last Saturday too. For some colleges, the Jan SAT test will arrive in time for their consideration. Some do not. You have to ask them or find at their website. For SPM results, it will be out somewhere during March 12th. That is too late for the adcom team to consider…</p>
<p>oops =) Yes, it was on the 24th! I think it’s almost impossible to apply to those reputable, or at least colleges which offer quality education, especially for Fall 2009? I wish there were a few, but from what I’ve searched, there doesn’t seem to be any. Do you guys know of any good colleges which offer late admission up to March, and still offer scholarships/financial aid/etc. ? Thanks so much!</p>
<p>Hey Sarah. I’ve just sent you a PM.</p>
<p>Right… haha, get it… Sorry, told you I was kinda blur
And yeah, I’m in form 4 this year but I’m planning to sit for my O levels this year itself. Hopefully la… Had tution for the past few years so dis year I transferred to an international school to prepare…
Anyway, yeah its kinda early for me but I’ve wanted to get into an Ivy since primary (ooh, harvard ;P)…
BUT… after going through the ‘what are my chances’ forum thing, you feel REALLY incompetent… These people put the ‘Over’ in the phrase ‘over-achievers’
Seriously, do you have to fly to India for a month to help AIDS victims to get a ‘maybe-unlikely’ shot to HYP?! Not a decent shot, an UNLIKELY shot… Seriously o.0</p>
<p>Oh, Happy (belated) CNY everybody… XD</p>
<p>Haha… CC can be rather intimidating. Here’s a document worth looking at for Malaysian students who intend to apply for admission to colleges in the states.</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.usaforstudents.org/data/pdf/US%20Universities%20Application%20Information%20Sheet.pdf[/url]”>http://www.usaforstudents.org/data/pdf/US%20Universities%20Application%20Information%20Sheet.pdf</a></p>
<p>Minmachi: I owe you a message, but give me some time to get back to you, boleh? :)</p>
<p>Stephanie: To quote yeejietang, there’s no minimum requirement to get into an Ivy. To be frank, I think “11A1s, Head prefect, state swimmer, old folks home volunteer etc” are very standard achievements. The Malay girl who scored 17A1s was rejected by Ivies. I know a guy who’s won national writing competitions, has 4 national debate titles under his belt and countless other national level achievements but was rejected by all the top schools. At the same time, there have been people who’ve been admitted into Harvard with Cs for SPM/A Levels. Personally, I think the deciding factors would be 1) whether you took part in ECAs for the sole purpose of boosting your resume or are sincerely motivated to make a difference 2) whether you merely hold impressive-sounding titles and awards or have made meaningful, lasting contributions to your community 3) whether you’re someone who just excel at taking exams or are genuinely intellectually curious etc.</p>
<p>yeejietang: I’m no longer active at recom. Nowadays, the forum’s filled with trash.</p>
<p>Xian Jin: I’m a fellow oldie - 89’er. :)</p>
<p>Sarahcsm: You’d have to check with the individual schools to discover their individual requirements. To be frank, it is very difficult to gain acceptance into a top school without pre-u qualification unless you hold some outstanding achievements. The only person I know who manage to gain acceptance into MIT even before his SPM results were released was a multiple international math olympiad champion. My advise to you would be to apply after you complete pre-u. And no, you don’t have to delibrately fly to India to help AIDS victims to boost your credibility; there’re already many marginalised communities around your own neighbourhood that would need your help. Most of all, be sincere in whatever you do - you can hear a tear on the telephone, or see a smile through a person’s writing. As for HYP - they’re overrated.</p>
<p>wow… the girl who scored 17A1 got rejected by ivies? Well, I think that’s quite rational… hehe</p>
<p>txj, thanks for providing the link. Lots of info there…</p>