
<p>I want to hear everything you think/know about Mallet. I have tried to research it but feel I am not getting the whole picture. Good, bad, whatever, I would like to hear it all. Don’t be afraid to tell me anything. If you are/were a member that would be even more helpful. PM me if you don’t want your response public.</p>

<p>Hi again!
A lot of people (especially parents) don’t really understand what Mallet is. I hate to say this, but you really just have to go experience it for yourself. There’s ALL kinds of people in Mallet. It’s really just a group of people that welcome and appreciate diversity, and they make people with the same values as them feel at home. Like someone has told me before, they aren’t very “parent friendly” people, unless you’re very open-minded and understanding of other lifestyles and different types of people, but they are extremely kind and awesome people. They’re hilarious and quirky, and they definitely know how to have a good time. I will say this, though- You have to be able to relate to them on some level of quirkiness, or else you won’t fit in.
Honestly, I’m doing a bad job of explaining it. I can’t really do it, but I’ll PM you with some usernames of people you could possibly ask, and they can give you a better understanding of what it is. I tried!</p>