Manhattanville College-BFA MT

My D has been accepted to Manhattanville College for the musical theatre BFA program. I liked the school, the faculty, and the campus, as did she, but she and I are slightly skeptical about the program because it is hardly spoken of among other theatre parents or Class of 2024 auditionees. Would anyone happen to know about it? My guess is that it is a more up and coming program.

My D did as well and it’s on her short list. We have found very little info online, but it looks like a good affordable option too.

I would love to learn more myself! It is on our college list, but inside information is hard to find. I do know one talented MT student who has enjoyed her time there. She said the full time MT faculty is currently changing, so she cannot speak for them, but from what she sees, the program is getting the push that it needs. She did say some of her lessons were “more old fashioned in the shows we learned, songs we worked on, etc.” However she feels that will change with the new faculty. She said she had a lot of strong technique training for voice (and she has a truly beautiful voice!), which was one of her biggest improvements while there. Sounds like the professors helped her to grow as a performer in ways that she was really happy with.