March 10 -- Zits Comic

<p>Zits</a> |</p>

<p>His parents should join CC!</p>

<p>Gotta love it! I have many Zits strips magneted to my fridge. This one is so true and I agree with you completely!</p>

<p>I saw this this morning and knew that the artist read CC…</p>

<p>I have so many Zits comics on my fridge and occasionally send one to my kids with a “I swear we have the same children!”. Love it.</p>

<p>if only it weren’t so true!</p>

<p>right now he should consider all three options, then he might have a chance at the Ivies! :)</p>

<p>When I saw it in this morning’s paper I thought about posting it here ;)</p>

<p>I am actually cutting out the best pieces, going to frame them as a gift for my kid’s birthday. Hope he will appreciate the humor :)</p>

<p>A few years ago I went to a PTA meeting from my son’s school. The speaker was a locally well known psychologist who works with children and teenagers. He started out by saying that the first thing he does in the morning is read Zits because Jeremy reminds him so much of his younger son, who, incidentally, drives him crazy.</p>

<p>I thought that strip was particularly on target.</p>