My daughter took the SAT on March 9th (for the third time) and usually the grades are posted around 5 a.m. (we are on the East Coast). However, today, we have not received anything but an acknowledgement that she took it and a message saying that they are processing the tests. Is anyone else having this problem today? When I was looking on this site to see if this is a widespread problem, I saw a thread that they can actually CANCEL your SAT results if they are vastly improved over your previous score(s). My daughter said that she felt better about this test…probably because of the fact that she finally prepared for it coupled with the thousands of dollars we paid for tutoring and the countless practice tests she did. Does this happen often!!! I cannot imagine how they could do this to a child!! Maybe I’m just getting paranoid but I’ve never heard of such a thing.
Just got them, math went up slightly but reading went down so net effect is the same total score as last time. Her friend got the same exact score as her last attempt as well. Looks like another test is in our future.
Son received a 1290. He’s a junior and this is the first time he’s taken the SAT. He’s only taken Algebra I and II and Geometry, so we’re hoping a summer precalc course will help his score up.
Our scores just came in too.
for cure purposes: 1590: math 800 (none missed) Grammar 1 missed, Writing non missed.
NH scores just came in
DD has her scores now. Kansas, talent search, so not in HS.
@havnoclu , as far as I am aware, it’s always a paper-based test.
FL scores were released around 5pm today…