Match me for schools strong in engineering and humanities

Current junior interested in engineering and humanities.

US Citizen

  • State/Location of residency: VA
  • Type of high school : public high school, pretty rigorous, wide array of options
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity *: white, female
  • Other special factors (first generation to college, legacy, athlete, etc.): legacy at UF

Intended Major(s) Aerospace or mechanical engineering, but also interested in humanities (specifically anthropology/archaeology, history)

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: not sure, about 3.6 maybe?
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.226 (slightly lower grades in sophomore year, low ish grades currently but working to raise)
  • Class Rank: none (school doesn’t do rank)
  • ACT/SAT Scores: haven’t taken yet, likely high in math and R/W

AP CS A (4), AP World History (5), AP Physics 1 (3), AP Lang, APUSH, AP Physics C: M, AP Physics C: E&M, AP Calc BC, AP Capstone Seminar
Electives: JROTC, 3 years of Japanese

JROTC leadership staff position
Civil air patrol leadership position
Military Ambassadors Club (officer)
Women in STEM (member)
NHS (member)
Math honor society (member)
Stellar Explorers (space themed comp team, member)
Varsity field hockey (2 years)
JV field hockey (1 year, freshman)
Field hockey travel team
Volunteer with local rec field hockey team for elementary schoolers
IT internship with county over 2022 summer
JROTC academic bowl team captain
11th in nation for Jrotc academic bowl comp

Cost Constraints / Budget
Not super high cost, possibly going AFROTC scholarship.

Currently considering UF, UMich, UIUC, Purdue, VA Tech, UVA (along with a few other recent suggestions)

Please match for schools strong in humanities (anthropology/archaeology, history, classics, etc) and engineering. Any advice welcome. Thanks!!

Look into the University of Rochester, which would allow you to switch easily across courses in most of these fields.

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Perhaps look at Princeton:
Some might say that P is weak in engineering, but it is still ABET accredited and respectable; its courses in the humanities are strong.

Isn’t this thread mostly a continuation of your other thread?


I already shared several ideas here yesterday: Switching from engineering to humanities? - #13 by AustenNut

But, if anthropology is a serious interest that could turn in to a potential major, combined with a possible Classics major, then these are some schools I’d take a closer look at:

These might be the best academic fit

  • U. at Buffalo (NY)
  • U. of Tennessee
  • U. of Kansas
  • U. of Minnesota

Other Strong Possibilities

  • Binghamton (NY)
  • U. of Arkansas
  • Miami (OH)
  • Ohio U.
  • Grand Valley State (MI)
  • Case Western (OH) - would be a reach
  • U. of Rochester (NY) - reachier
  • U. of Cincinnati (OH)
  • U. of Kentucky
  • U. of Vermont
  • U. of Wisconsin
  • U. of Missouri
  • U. of Iowa
  • U. of Connecticut
  • U. of New Hampshire
  • U. of Pittsburgh (PA )

UVA would also be stellar for all of your interests, but it would be another reach. The New York publics, U. of Kansas, U. of Arkansas, U. of Iowa, Grand Valley, the Ohio publics, and U. of Kentucky would probably be end up with the lowest costs of attendance.

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