Match Me: Full ride engineering schools with 3.33 GPA, 1490 SAT. [family contribution <$5K/yr]


  • US citizen , living overseas
  • living overseas - expat
  • senior / 12th grade
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity (optional): male
  • Other special factors (first generation to college, legacy, athlete, etc.):

**Intended Major(s) bio medical engg, biotech

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.33 - straight up percent to grade conversion
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system):
  • College GPA (for transfers):
  • Class Rank: 3
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 1490 digital SAT

Pl match me with Full ride engg schools

Max family contribution 5,000 / year

Chance me with ivy engg programs for reach schools , even if it means retaking SAT/ Taking out loans.

Based on your other thread, you are the parent, not the student. Is that correct?

Rank 3 of what ?

You have a 3.33 and 1490.

You are unlikely for a full ride anywhere and you’re not getting near an Ivy, even with a 1600 - abd Ivy isn’t necessarily your best engineering anyway.

Do you have demonstrated need?

Many schools meet need but don’t necessarily have engineering. And any school that meets need will be a tough admit, engineering or otherwise.

But have your family run the net price calculator for a school like U Miami. U Rochester just to measure your need because if a school says yiu can pay $50k, then they won’t give you need to $5k.

Your bigger issue with your stats is going to e getting into an affordable school.

A western Carolina is ABET and you can get into the 20s. A Southern Illinois is similar.

You can look at Berea College which charges no tuition. Their program isn’t exact to what you want though. Of course they have a Bio Major and health major too.

There are easier schools to get into but affordability is your issue. Also you cannot take loans - only up to $5500. Your parents could but why be strangled by loans?

Perhaps the military (rotc) or community college if you can find a low cost one makes more sense.

Good luck.

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@tsbna44, a few hours before starting this thread, OP started another thread in the financial aid.

The OP is welcome to repost using the correct pronouns.