Match Me! High school junior building large diverse college list, plans to pursue pre-med

If you’re looking for other Top X colleges that you may want to look into, I’d take a peek at these three which all offer a major in Native American Studies:

  • Colgate (NY)

  • Dartmouth (NH)

  • Stanford (CA)

I narrowed my search by focusing on schools that offer majors in Native American studies. All but San Diego State would be extremely likely admits.

  • Augsburg (MN): About 2400 undergrads and there are all the medical resources of Minneapolis for shadowing and clinical experiences

  • Minnesota State – Mankato: About 13k undergrads and has a Mayo location in-town clinical experiences

  • Portland State (OR): About 18k undergrads. There’s a more diverse student population here (including age diversity). Tons of clinical opportunities in Portland. WUE

  • San Diego State (CA): About 31k undergrads. Fabulous weather and lots of clinical opportunities.

  • U. of Hawaii – Manoa: About 14k undergrads and Honolulu has many options for clinical experiences. WUE

  • U. of Montana: About 7200 undergrads and a few different hospitals for clinical experiences. WUE

  • U. of New Mexico: About 16k undergrads and has an EMS program with a concentration in International Mountain Medicine that sounds super cool (undergrad program/a site with more picts). WUE and lots of opportunities in Albuquerque for clinical experiences.

  • U. of Oklahoma: About 21k undergrads and several health centers in the area, too.

  • U. of Wisconsin – Eau Claire: About 10k undergrads. Nearby hospitals for clinical opportunities.

Also, I indicated which schools are a part of WUE which can provide significant tuition savings. Although your family has the means and willingness to pay for your college anywhere in the U.S., it you can save any of that money for med school, that could very much benefit you in the long run.

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