Match Me: LAVC student hoping to be a CS Major


  • Permanent Resident

  • California

  • LAVC

  • Male/Indonesian

  • Immigrant (I guess)

  • Intended Major(s): Computer Science (or Mathematics)

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • 3.95

Basically, my highest Math is both Linear Algebra and Differential Equations. Finished all of the PHYS 101-103. Finished the GEDs required, and for major-related courses, basically I only finished a Java class and two C++ programming classes.


Perhaps some help here would be great.


  • Safety: CSULA
  • Likely: Any CSU other than SDSU
  • Dream: Any UCs or USC. Or any of the top universities that have strong CS programs.

Any recommendations are appreciated. Just applied to a bunch of CSUs and some UCs, but I doubt I get into any of the UCs. I have given myself one more chance with Fall 2024 if I don’t get into a UC and if I don’t get in a single one for Fall 2024, I will subject myself to a CSU. Advice on what to do if I do end up taking another year to get something in the Awards or ECs category.

What’s LAVC?

Why would you prolong your wait a year to ‘hope for’ a UC?

Wouldn’t going to another school now be better than an off year ? UC is no guarantee of anything in life.


(Deleted based on comments by others below)

LAVC is LA Valley College, a CC.

For OP, will you have 60 credits of transferable credits (IGETC) at LAVC?

Do you meet the TAG requirements at the programs you applied to?

@Gumbymom @ucbalumnus


Transfers by major | University of California can help you determine which UCs are realistic if you meet transfer and major preparation requirements.


You have a competitive GPA and if you meet the transfer course requirements, you should have several UC and CSU options.

CS is a very marketable degree so it is not necessary to attend a UC to have a successful and good paying career.

Did you TAG to UCR or UCM for CS? Or TAG for Math at any of other UC’s?

Best of luck.

Thanks - I was thinking a CC based on write up - but wasn’t sure. I definitely wouldn’t pause my education waiting for a UC.

I’m not sure why one would “subject” themselves to a CSU, which is one of our country’s finest educational systems.


Congrats on that excellent GPA! Are you nearing completion of an Associate’s degree at LAVC, and looking to transfer? With your GPA, you would surely be accepted somewhere via the transfer agreement. It is most definitely not worth waiting a year to get into a better school - if you major in Comp Sci anywhere, you’ll be able to get a job, and after the first job, all that matters is whether you can do the work, not where your degree is from. Even better opportunities if you do a double major in math and Comp Sci, but not necessary.


In terms of CSUs, CPSLO and SJSU are the most selective for CS (or the similar software engineering major they have).

SJSU does post past (competitively determined) thresholds on its web site.

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