Match me: Senior from CT, 3.8 GPA, 1300 SAT, Hopeful Pre-Med [<$44k?, no need-based FA]

Below are some schools that you may want to check out. Most of them are pretty generous with merit aid (and I believe the SUNYs would match the tuition at UCONN, so no more expensive than your in-state flagship).

  • Clark (MA): About 2400 undergrads and you can read more about it on this profile page page: Clark University – Colleges That Change Lives

  • Drew (NJ): There are about 1500 undergrads at this liberal arts school and from what you describe, I think it might be a great fit. They also are very generous with merit aid.

If you follow this link the poster talks about Drew, and then two posts later talks about their visit to Marist, so you might find it helpful.

  • Moravian: About 1900 undergrads

  • Saint Joseph’s (PA ): About 5100 undergrads and has some very good education/training programs for special education teachers, particular in relation to Autism. (I realize you said ADHD and not Autism, but both are areas on the spectrum and faculty that are used to dealing well with students with Autism will likely be good working with students with ADHD.)

  • Siena (NY): About 3500 undergrads

  • Stonehill (MA): About 2500 undergrads

  • SUNY New Paltz: About 6100 undergrads. If you visit Marist, this is another nearby option.

  • SUNY Plattsburgh: About 4k undergrads

  • Susquehanna (PA ): About 2200 undergrads

  • Ursinus (PA ): About 1500 undergrads and you can see its CTCL profile here: Ursinus College – Colleges That Change Lives

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