I am currently studying MatSci E at UIUC but was considering switching to Chem E. I was interested in electrical materials and working on circuits/semiconductors and what not, but at the same time, I feel like the only jobs in this field is R&D or sticking around in a university-- and I don't think I have the patience nor will to be someone's research assistant/monkey running monotonous tests on a computer or something. Chemical Engineering on the other hand seems like you get to do more hands on stuff, designing or watching over chemical plants and stuff. Plus it seems like there are more opportunities and better pay with a degree in ChemE.</p>
<p>You’re definitely not stuck in research with MatSci. I’m doing MSE, about to transfer to Drexel, and I’m going straight for industry. There are so many places you could work. Defense subcontractors, nanotechnology in industry (new efficient products!!), textiles. Most companies have materials engineers but people dont realize it
Before you switch, take a better look into MSE in INDUSTRY and look around for the kind of companies that hire.</p>
<p>Some of the MSE majors I know: one does torpedo shells, one does battery packaging, one works for AMD mainly on lead-free solder. There are fewer MSE majors AND there are fewer jobs, but the ratio is about the same. That does not mean your prospects are worse.</p>
<p>And get used to being somebody’s monkey. The more competent you prove yourself to be, the more you will be allowed to work independently. Even if you start your own company you can never get away from that reality.</p>