Math 222 vs math 223

<p>I took Calc AB and got a 5 on the test. I took BC my senior year and got a 3...made some stupid mistakes, got a girlfriend, distracted, etc. I'm gravitating towards an engineering major. At soar, I told my advisor that I likely got a 3 on my calc BC test, which I did. They told me I should take math 222. However, looking at my student center, I have been given the 5 credits for math 222 from my 3 on the BC test. Is it really worth retaking 222 or should I take 223?</p>

<p>Currently, my schedule is:</p>

<p>Chem 115
Anthro 102
Intro Engr 160
Math 222
(No english -tested out in placement testing)</p>

<p>If I decided to take math 223, I could drop anthropology to lighten my work load and focus more on my two difficult classes (115 and 223)</p>


<p>Don’t drop your number of credits. email your advisor about the AP grade and possible course change- try to discuss this in person. Perhaps even discuss with math dept? You are better off planning to work harder than easier. Have fun with Chem 115- different professor than in my day, but likely challenging and satisfying. Keep the nonscience for variety.</p>

<p>Note to other posters- this student plans a rigorous college career to start, should keep it. Others may not want the rigor.</p>

<p>btw, no way you can change your football loyalties???</p>

<p>Thank you for the reply! I know I should email my advisor but I just wanted to see other peoples opinions first. Changing my schedule to 13 credits wouldn’t necessarily be dropping my number of credits, since I would be automatically be getting the 5 credits from “completing” 222 with AP testing. I would simply be further along with my math progression, minus 3 humanities credits. Currently with my schedule posted I am looking at 16 credits in my first semester. If I were to drop anthro and take 223, I would be looking at a 13 credit first semester (with two very hard courses) + i would have those 5 credits from math 22 already. I personally hate my schedule right now. With chem 115’s two three-hour labs and the lab from Intro Engr 160, it is very crowded.</p>

<p>So did you take Chem 115? I am a little nervous about it, especially since I took AP Chem Junior year and haven’t touched it since. </p>

<p>As for my football loyalties changing…NOPE. I’ll be that idiot walking around campus in Bear’s jerseys/blue and orange shorts/hat/cape each sunday. I moved here from Illinois when I was 8 and my loyalties are stuck!</p>

<p>No- you would only have 13 credits this semester, your math credits are not this semester’s workload. Go ahead with the 4 course load and 16 credits. It is doable. 13 credits would be a very light schedule, too much free time can make it harder to study/focus on school.</p>

<p>My Chem 115 experience was ancient history. I do know, from my annual Badger Chemist alumni magazine, that the teaching of Chemistry is something UW is known for- there is a field of chemical education. Honors classes should get good profs and TAs. Make sure you use office hours for any help needed and keep up- this works for all classes. Be prepared to work hard, but that’s what you want if you’re choosing these math/chemistry courses. Your AP Chem will come back to you. Welcome to the life of the lab science student- but you get to do better experiments with the added time in lab to do them. Remember that every other student is in the same situation you are- new to things and you all will make the adjustment. Get to know your classmates and plan to work together doing problem sets. There is also a good Math Lab most evenings you can study in and ask TA’s questions.</p>

<p>You can always drop a class if the workload becomes too difficult, but it would be harder to add in a class and catch up. You also want to develop good study habits, too light a load won’t help you with managing your time. Plunge right in and get the most out of your college experience. This semester will help you prepare for the rigors ahead and free up time for other things later- you don’t want to have scheduling problems later on just because you need a nonmajor course.</p>

<p>When you say 223, I think you mean 234. </p>

<p>And no, don’t skip 222. Go for it and try to get an A/AB. A 5-credit “A” weighs more than a 3-credit “A” (Math 234 is a 3-credit class) for your GPA. Plus, you’re almost guaranteed to do better in 222, since you already know what’s coming (given you don’t slack / do all hw / work hard).</p>

<p>This is coming from someone who took 222 as an entering freshman after 5’ing the AB test. Quick tip: It’s not as easy in college, I’d highly recommend sticking with 222.
Moreover, the ending couple weeks of 222 prepares you really well for 234.</p>