Math 375 & 376

<p>I'm a new transfer student, in my second year of college (junior standing). I took AP calc BC in tenth grade and received a score of 5. I also received an 800 on both SAT Math and Math II Subject test. I have no doubt that math is my passion and that I am good at it, but am I ready to take math 375, which is an honors, 5 credit class? I don't remember most of the things I learned in BC. It's been 4 years!! Vectors, polar, sequences and series... I don't remember them!! I've enrolled into Math 375 for now, but I can switch it to Math 234 anytime. I would appreciate any answers but especially from those who have taken Math 375. Thank you.</p>

<p>Also, where are the computer labs located throughout the campus, where I can go anytime and print stuff out? Thanks.</p>

<p>Nobody?? :(</p>

<p>Locations of computer labs on campus: [Locations</a> | Computer Labs | Division of Information Technology | University of Wisconsin?Madison](<a href=“Information Technology - University of Wisconsin–‍Madison - UW–⁠Madison Information Technology”>Information Technology - University of Wisconsin–‍Madison - UW–⁠Madison Information Technology)</p>

<p>I’m taking Math 375-376 this year, too, so I don’t know if I can really help with your question. You can find loads of online resources for reviewing calculus online…I did some practice problems to refresh my memory before classes started because I knew I needed a refresher before both this class and my physics class. Are you in Professor Mari-Beffa’s lecture? If so, did you do that reading yet? What’s nice is that we start with linear algebra before getting into Multivariable calculus, so you may find that you don’t need a lot of things from Calc BC right away.</p>

<p>Yes I have done the reading, but a lot of it doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t understand the general concept of linear space. :frowning: Hopefully I’ll be ok…</p>

<p>Be sure to talk with your TA/professor early on. Dicuss any problems or concerns about any weaknesses you may have due to your previous nonUW math/calculus. Someone in the dept should be able to tell you what you need to match the knowledge base of the UW calculus sequence.</p>

<p>Wait, were you talking about this issue in class on Tuesday? I think you were sitting behind me…anyway, perhaps it might even be an option to take Math 275-276, so that you can review all those things from calc BC that you don’t remember, but in much more depth, so that you’d be prepared to take Math 375-376 next year. Otherwise, if you’re having trouble with the abstract stuff, it might be best to just take Math 234 and deal with that stuff when you have a firm grounding in the basics later in your academic career.</p>

<p>You two should PM each other and arrange to talk in person, maintaining your privacy…</p>

<p>No. I wasn’t sitting behind you because I didn’t talk to anyone about this. Thanks for the advise.</p>

<p>I got an A on my first exam. I feel better :)))</p>

<p>To all- some advice- check your spelling, the little words can mess you up.</p>

<p>Wis75, what are you talking about? -_-</p>

<p>Wis75, I guess you have nothing to say to explain your completely random post.</p>