Math and admission

<p>Hello. I'm a junior who finished AP Calculus AB and AP Statistics my sophomore year. I took Math 253 at college the summer afterwards. I went my junior year without taking math (well, I took AP Chem, but that's not math). I plan to take AP Physics B my senior year.</p>

<p>I plan to enter a field in engineering or go premed. So will not having taken math since summer after sophomore year hurt my chances a lot? Will taking Math 254 help me out?</p>

<p>I have a 800 on SAT2: Math Level2 and a 2260 on the SAT.</p>

<p>Schools: Duke, USC, Rice, RPI Integrated M.D. , University of Washington and the safety state school OSU.</p>

<p>why... how did you finish it so early :P</p>

<p>I suggest that you make up a new math. how about... "Blurblamlithotry" - the study of blurphiems and hyposcrapes. now go write a book</p>

<p>yes, you will be pentalized for finishing all of your school's math classes too early.</p>

<p>Certainly going so far so early won't hurt your chances, but taking the next math class in college would probably look even better. Also, I would recommend the next math class just for the sake of keeping current.</p>

<p>If it is offered at your HS take Calc BC or Mutli V Calc . Colleges want to see that you have taken the most rigorous courses available. I also agree that you either take a college math course [ is that what 245 is ?]or an online course from EPGY your Sr year, if your HS doesn't offer any math higher than Calc AB . To not have any math for 2 years would be a very big negative at highly competative U's like Rice or Duke.</p>

<p>Yes, 254 is vector calculus.</p>

<p>My school didn't offer Calc BC, so I had to take AB there and then go to college for math 253.</p>

<p>I'm leaning towards taking 254, but this summer I'll also be doing a full time internship at a lab, so things will be busy. :)</p>

<p>take the 254. senior year is always the busiest year. good luck!</p>

<p>i thought junior year was the busiest. :(</p>

<p>Ah well. I asked some older students who had taken the class, and they said it wasn't too bad. So I guess I'll sign up.</p>

<p>First semester of Sr yr is the worst, because you have the additional "part time" job of filling out college applications, writing essays, asking teachers for recommendations and following up to make sure they were sent, etc, etc. So if it is at ALL possible to get any [or all] of those items done before your Sr year starts, you will be better off than if you have to do them later!</p>

<p>If you're planning on being a physics, math, or engineering major, taking vector calc in high school will give you a big leg up on other students once you get to college, so I'd recommend it.</p>

<p>im agree with Sly Si.
if you're going to take math/science things..
finishing calc I-III in high school will make your application looks marvelous!
usually colleges require their transfer applicants to finish calc I-III in their first 2 years of college. so,,you really2 one step ahead..
try to look at some college's web. usually if you go to the department's web,,they hv like a courses plan for their student.
you can see wht courses you will need for your freshman year. if you can take them in HS,,it will be can graduate in 3 yrs! lols.
hv fun with your time!</p>

I suggest that you make up a new math. how about... "Blurblamlithotry" - the study of blurphiems and hyposcrapes. now go write a book


lol .</p>