<p>How hard is the math in structural engineering graduate school, and what type of math is it?</p>
<p>Mostly partial differentials, linear algebra, and tensor calc. Tensor calc was embedded in my continuum mechanics courses. You're not going to be taking any further "math" courses. The stuff's hard, but it's no harder than anything else you'd have really seen.</p>
<p>Mostly adding and subtracting, just so you cut the 2x4 in the right spot. All math is done with those big pencils you buy at home depot.</p>
<p>just kidding, listen to aibarr</p>
<p>Are calculus 1-3 and differential equations all you need to take at the undergraduate level? My college doesn't require any linear algebra classes or anything for the civil engineering degree.</p>
<p>Yes, at many schools (including mine) civs only require the calc sequence and diff eq. Some advanced structural classes use matrices extensively and will teach some linear algebra concepts there.</p>
<p>thanks everyone</p>