Math placement test

In my country, because we doesn’t have 4 seasons, our school terms starts from January and ends at December, which is different from USA’s Fall-Fall academic system. Thus, there’s a half year gap for me between high school grad and college. My mind is already “rotten” and I need some practice to recall my math, not that I forgot, but def. not as good as my usual self. So for those who already taken the placement test, how hard is the math placement test? Is learning using SAT math sufficient? Do I have to memorize the “USA measurement system?”(We used metrics in my country)

Thanks in advance

btw- watch your grammar as well for the other placement test- not “doesn’t” but "don’t in your opening sentence.

Math is not a units of measurement (inch/cm…) but ability to use precalculus math. Look at the UW website for info on the skills tested. btw- in science one uses metric units so US students should be familiar with both. Students taking HS calculus may want to brush up on their more basic math before the test. It would be bad to place into a remedial math class because of forgotten knowledge on a test.

Sample UW math placement test