MATHIIC scores for UC'S?

<p>since all uc’s require two subject tests, i wondered their score range in general.</p>

<p>i will take mathIIC and physics.</p>

<p>MATHIIC </p>

<p>if i get 800 which UC’s should i apply?</p>

<p>if i get 750-800 which UC’s should i apply?</p>

<p>if i get 700-750 which UC’s should i apply?</p>

<p>if i get 650-700 which UC’s should i apply?</p>


<p>if i get 800 which UC’s should i apply?</p>

<p>if i get 750-800 which UC’s should i apply?</p>

<p>if i get 700-750 which UC’s should i apply?</p>

<p>if i get 650-700 which UC’s should i apply?</p>

<p>even if you get 650-700, you should apply to all the UC's. 650-700 isn't that bad.</p>

<p>i know but if i get 700, chance of getting into irvine is obviously better than berkeley...</p>

<p>700 is good for even UCLA and UCB, as long as you have a high gpa, the UC's will accept you. My cousin just recently got accepted into UCLA and UCB with 4.4 or 4.5 gpa, 2200 SAT/33 ACT, and several 700-740 SAT II subject tests.</p>

<p>now i got it :)</p>

<p>FURFRANK its possible that youll get a score BELOW 650, but even then you shouldnt be disappointed because the SAT II is such a small part of admissions.</p>