mav or pc

<p>I am going to be a pre-med student, they say either can work what do you guys recomend? I have a pc desktop for ever and hate it and just want to get a mac but not sure thats the best idea</p>


<p>why do you hate pcs and just want to get a mac? sounds like you already decided.</p>


sounds like you already decided.

This. Why are you even here if you’ve made up your mind already? If you want one of Steve Jobs’ shiny trinkets that badly, just go get one.</p>

<p>I think he was moreso asking if it’d work for a pre-med student.</p>

<p>I’d rather have one of Steve Jobs’ shiny trinkets than Michael Dell’s plastic pieces of crap ;)</p>

<p>Perhaps, but that’s why people buy pc’s that aren’t made by dell</p>

<p>I wasn’t specifically speaking of Dell, just taking his words and applying someone else. Replace Michael Dell’s name with any other CEO. </p>

<p>It’s really unnecessary to “trash” any computer here, but some people feel the need to.</p>

<p>ok because someone on here whos a science majored said not to get macs and I havent decided because I don’t know about macs that well or pcs. I would like to get a mac yes but if it is not a good idea then I can get a pc laptop. what do you guys have?</p>

<p>I’m not pre-med, but I’ve got a MacBook Pro, and I absolutely love it. I know my school gives out MacBook scholarships to some pre-med students, so it’s certainly a suitable computer for the area of study. As mentioned above, if there are any windows-only applications, they can easy be run on a MacBook/MacBook Pro.</p>

<p>I’m going into Pre-Pharmacy and I have been leaning toward buying a mac mini and netbook for college. The mac mini is seems powerful enough for my needs and light enough to take with me if i have to leave campus for a few days and not worry about it getting stolen. I can also put windows on it so i can have the best of both OS. Also, a netbook seems light and small enough so i can view the professors online notes while having enough room to jot diagrams down on small desks or tables. I know some netbooks have terrible keyboards and slow speeds, but it seems perfect if all i will use it for is word documents and surfing the web. I am waiting for the new hp mini 5101 to come out in late july. It looks a lot better than any other netbook i’ve seen plus it seems powerful enough to run vista ok which means windows 7 will run like a dream on it (i hope) and I really enjoyed Hp’s keyboards on their other mini laptops i have tested in stores. That is what i have come up with so far and am open to some other suggestions.</p>