Maximum Registered Credit Hours - Freshmen

<p>What is the maximum credit hours for which a freshman can register without a special override? Is there a process for getting an override? Does this maximum credit hours increase after freshman year?</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>I believe it is 17. </p>

<p>I think it’s rather easy to get an over-ride if the 18th credit is AA or OA. </p>

<p>However, many advisors are not going to sign an over-ride for an incoming frosh to take a very hard course load of 18+ credits.</p>

<p>I’m not sure when students no longer need an over-ride. I noticed last year, that my older son (a graduating senior) had 99 credits listed as his max credits. lol</p>

<p>I know that my younger son had to get an over-ride for fall semester of his second year, but he technically had junior standing at that time.</p>

<p>What is the process for getting the override?</p>

<p>Usually contacting your advisor in your major.</p>

<p>At what point do they start charging more money to take additional credits?</p>

<p>An override is required when registering for more than 17 or possibly 18 credits. As m2ck mentioned, it is the student’s advisor and possibly a dean of the college are the people who will grant overrides. I would generally caution against getting an override for ones first semester at UA, but with AA/OA and maybe a couple other 1-credit Honors College courses, a student should be able to easily get an override.</p>

<p>For most students, additional fees start after the 16th credit, but the top scholarships cover up to 20 credits. You’d need to contact scholarships about updating your son’s account to have his scholarship cover the additional tuition costs.</p>

<p>“You’d need to contact scholarships about updating your son’s account to have his scholarship cover the additional tuition costs.”
At what point do you need to do this – ie how many credits does a Presidential Scholarship cover without having to contact someone to update it?</p>

<p>Regina…the Presidential covers up to 20 credits per semester…but sometimes you have to contact Scholarships and they have to do something to activate the extra coverage. </p>

<p>I don’t know what UA scholar covers up to. And, I don’t know what happens if a UA scholar is bumped to full tuition with an engineering scholarship.</p>

<p>You’d need to contact scholarships about any amount of credits over 16 (the amount that the Presidential Scholarship automatically covers). Back before the maximum number of credits changed, I was grandfathered into a rule my that scholarship covered 17 credits rather than 16 and had to send a couple of e-mails before the 17th credit was paid for by my scholarship. </p>

<p>I’m really glad that tuition scholarships now cover up to 20 credits.</p>

<p>I’m taking 17 credits first semester including Alabama Action – what exactly do I need to do to make sure that is covered?</p>

<p>Send an email to <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Give them your full name, address, CWID…and mention that you have the Presidential scholarship.</p>

<p>Tell them that you’re signed up for 17 credits and want to make sure that your scholarship is increased to cover that 17th credit. </p>

<p>You might want to mention that Alabama announced during the fall of 2010, that the Presidential scholarship would cover up to 20 credits…just in case the person who reads your email is unaware of that change.</p>