May get a D in dynamics. Options?

<p>I applied to VT as a transfer, and I was accepted. However, I may get a D in one engineering class (Dynamics) and may get a C in another (Mechanics of Materials) for my last semester. I was wondering if I even have the tiniest chance of getting accepted when I send in my final transcript. If I don't get accepted, then what are my other options? Could I attend summer classes at VT or make it up there, or do I have to take those classes again and push my plans further? In addition to these classes, I was taking my final semester consisting of University Physics 2 and Statics. I know I got an A in physics and definitely at least a B in Statics. My GPA without these courses is a 3.579. I attend NVCC btw.</p>

<p>I have a friend that transferred from NOVA to VT Engineering with an ‘A’,‘B’,‘C’,‘D’ as her final grades. </p>

<p>Her ‘C’ was in C++ for Engineers and her ‘D’ was in Dynamics. </p>

<p>She emailed and called the school several times to talk about the consequences, but they never responded to her. In short - nothing happened. </p>

<p>Not saying this is the norm, I just wanted to share her story. She also had a high GPA, although it was a little bit higher than yours. Good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks for replying. If you don’t mind me asking, did your friend have to retake Dynamics? I believe that, if you have a D, the credit will not transfer over to VT. Therefore, I think my two choices are to retake it at VT, which would be more expensive, or at NOVA, which would make me stay here for another semester, since all the available summer classes are full.</p>

<p>A ‘D’ in dynamics wont transfer, so you’ll have to retake it. </p>

<p>If you’re already in then I would come to Virginia Tech. I’m not in a major that requires dynamics, but I hear lots of people complain about its difficulty so I’m sure you’ll work hard for a good grade. But, if you don’t come to Virginia Tech in the Fall, you’ll be postponing getting into your major of choice for an entire semester.</p>

<p>All transfers get in as General Engineering majors - not Aerospace, Mechanical, CS, etc. So you’ll have to take both those (in all seriousness) annoying first year classes. I know NOVA offers the first one, but you have to take the second when you get here. Not to mention you don’t get priority when signing up for classes after dynamics because you’re still in General Engineering - which hurts even further; you’ll learn about that when you get here. </p>

<p>In short. Come to VT and be prepared to work for that grade. Get into a study group and it’ll help you out a ton.</p>

<p>Side note: Fall in Blacksburg is amazing. You don’t want to miss it.</p>

<p>I agree with CC, in the meantime, if you think you can earn a better grade retaking Dynamics this summer, I’d register in course sections as a WL and see if someone drops or if the professor might give you an override. You might get lucky and get a spot.</p>

<p>It’s funny my roommate went through almost the exact same situation a week ago when our grades posted. </p>

<p>He got an A in Phy II & Diff EQ, a B in Mechanics of materials, and a D in Dynamics. We went to the admissions office the day after grades posted to talk to someone and winded up speaking to Jane Todd who apparently makes the final decision for EGR transfer students. She said because my roommate was intending to pursue Civil, where dynamics isn’t even required if you go to Tech as a freshman, Completing his degree, and had a GPA over 3.0(3.3) that he should be fine. She couldn’t give us anything in writing but pretty much said not to worry. The way I kind of perceived it was the class just won’t transfer so if your in a Major where it’s not required by Tech then you should be fine. But if your in Mech or something that needs it, it might hurt you has dynamics could be a prerequisite to further classes. </p>

<p>Overall I would call them and explain the situation and see if you have to retake it and if you have to ask if you can take it next summer. Avoid taking Dynamics at VT though everyone’s told me its a class from Hell and one of the hardest for engineering.</p>

<p>Can someone help me. I got a “C” in phy 2 and vector caul. I got “A” in dynamics and music class. What do you guys think? Should I be worried?
Thank you.</p>

<p>Okay, thanks for your help guys. I just have one more question. I would like to verify if I can do what Chris11 said. Can I go to VT for the fall and spring, and then retake dynamics at NOVA in Summer 2014? Or am I going to wind up taking it in VT during the Fall as CloudyCloud was saying? I am going for Mechanical Engineering, so as Chris11 was saying, it could prevent me from taking the next level courses.</p>

<p>Also, to VTHOPE145, I think you should be fine with a C in Physics. I am not so sure about vector cal though. A friend of mine got a C in calculus 2 and it did not transfer. How’s your GPA? I think if you are above a 3.0, you are good to go.</p>

<p>You are accepted to VT as an engineering transfer student. What year transfer? (ie: have you met all the engineering requirements and classes for a Freshman and/or Sophomore)</p>

<p>If you are coming in as a Junior:

  • Mechanical Engineering requires Dynamics, so this will need to be retaken given a “D” will not transfer.
  • Dynamics is required for ME3514 Systems Dynamics (Jr. level required course offered Fall and Spring)
  • Dynamics is offerred during Summer II at VT, if that is an option.</p>

<p>Let me know if this helps, or if you have other questions. My son is Mechanical Engr and we have a big grid trying to keep all the prereq, etc. straight.</p>

<p>Thank you. This does help. I am coming in as a Junior. I am transferring from NOVA, and I believe I took all the freshman and sophomore engineering classes. They are Intro to Engineering, Computer Programming for Engineers (C++), Statics, Dynamics, and Mechanics of Materials. Every other class is fine except Dynamics. It is the only class I have lower than a B. So hypothetically, if I get into VT and I retake dynamics in summer 2014 at NVCC, where it is cheaper, how held back am I? Will not be able to take any classes at all or I would be behind so much that I am better off taking it in Summer II? Also, I would like to just verify this, can I take dynamics in Summer II? From what I understand, all transfers go to the second week summer semester. Those who don’t are simply rolled into the Fall semester. For me, if I go, I can retake it during the summer and then, in the Fall, I would be up to date with everyone else at my level, correct?</p>

<p>It is hard to answer as I do not know what classes you took during your Freshman and Sophmore year nor which will transfer to VT. I would recommend reviewing the graduation checklist for ME on the VT website. It shows what classes should be complete prior to your Junior year to be in sync with the other ME majors. For example, at the end of the Sophmore year, the following non-CLE classes/Science/Math should be complete, based on the checklist:</p>

<p>ECE 2054 - Applied Electrical Theory (pre-req for ECE 3254 Fall Jr year)
ISE 2214 - Manufacturing Process Lab
ME 2024 - Intro to Engineering Design & Econ (Statics is a pre or co-req)
ME 2124 - Intro to Thermal adn Fluid Engineering (Statics is a pre-req)
STAT 3704 - Statistics for Engineering Applications</p>

<p>On thier checklist, there are other CLE electives remaining in your Junior/Senior year, so if you have completed those, you might have room for some of the above in their place and still be in-sync? It is not easy to figure it all out. I have helped my son quite a bit to try and organize the classes, his AP credits and technical electives in a way to allow graduating in 4 years with no 18 credit semsters. This is NOT and easy task, so be prepared. Let me know if I can help further, hope this doesn’t confuse or discourage you.</p>