Mayday! Need Help!

How competitive am I? Please be brutally honest!

My stats are this:
4.400 Weighted GPA
4.0 Unweighted
31 ACT (going to take it again)
Captain of the Quiz Bowl Team, President and founder of the UN Club, VP and co-founder Math Club, Captain Debate Team
I have won a lot of Quiz Bowl and Debate awards as well.
I am peer mentor at my school.
Let me know if you need more info

Please keep in mind that I am a junior in HS. What should I improve on? What are my chances RN? Thank you all so much!

-Dream on


Which colleges?

@smilingalong I am looking into an undergraudate degree in Applied Mathematics.

MIT (yea…it’s a dream)
University Texas - Austin
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities