
<p>the whole supersize me phenomenon is so stupid. It's like no one realized mcdonalads was bad untill the guy only ate it for a month, give me a fu&ing break, people always knew that mcdonald's was bad for you. and filmxoxo, being an upper east side girl, do u even eat at all?</p>

<p>lol hahha wow...</p>

<p>Oh I love the new Jamba Juice on the upper east side.</p>

<p>Jamba Juice! Ahhh! I always think of Stanford and norcal and my JSA experience when I hear about Jamba Juice, even though I never had any because several people who went there in the first couple of days got sick from it. Ahhh, good California times...</p>

<p>Jamba Juice rocks my world. our school sells jamba juice....oh man i love jamba. when i think of jamba juice i think of bob marley.....</p>

<p>jammin........i guess its a little stretch but thats ok :)</p>

<p>lol really? I want a jamba juice in my school. We don't even have a vending machine =(</p>

<p>I love their Peenya Kowlada</p>

<p>i like their caribbean passion drink oh so good</p>

<p>it makes me jittery whenever i think about it</p>

<p>I think I've tried most of them...</p>

<p>what about Coldstone? I had my fetish with that as well.</p>

<p>ahhh jamba juice, I always think of flamingly homosexual guys bending over and getting ****ed in the ass.</p>

<p>coldstone is so good. originated in az :-D kick ass az companies</p>

<p>i didn't really like coldstone (no offense). i found the stuff there...well frankly, not very cold</p>

<p>yes we definitely sound schizo now...</p>

<p>hahahahahha thats funny</p>

<p>this is a message board turned chat room</p>

<p>yea it definitely has...too bad it has a 60 second thing. it reminds me of AIM's stupid thing when u chat to quickly stupid rate limit</p>


<p>cam you imagine working at cold stone? i'd kill myself before singing any f'ing tip songs.</p>


<p>good job not looking down on EVERYONE/EVERYTHING</p>

<p> realize they don't really hire white people though, so you probably would never get to work there ilcapo</p>

<p>gaahh real encomium, you're beating me to the post!!</p>

<p>we have real white people working at cold stone in az ....</p>

<p>i could never understand why people worked at fast food/ice cream stores - don't they have trust funds?</p>

<p>as opposed to fake white people? I guess we have more nonwhite people in ny to sing the fake hiphop songs.</p>