McGill Summer School

<p>just a quick question..How long is the summer term? are all summer courses tougher becoz they got shorter lecturing duration???</p>

<p>Is it wise to take some 2nd yr courses during 1st summer so when i am in 2nd yr i can go to more advanced courses???</p>

<p>i am in 1st yr engineering btw</p>

<p>There's more than one 'summer term'. I would guess most are 1 month intensive courses in May. There are other possibilities (courses in June and July, classes that are spread over two months). Is it tougher? Hard to say, it's more intensive and but you usually only take one course, so it sort of balances out.</p>

<p>It all depends on what course you take, some are a month long, some are a month and a half and start in june, etc. Whether or not it's harder again depends on the course, but summer courses are intensive and it's advisable to work and study everyday. As for the second year courses, check if you need prereqs. Some courses that are offered in the summer don't have prereqs such as Communication in Engineering or Engineering Economy; many first-years take these courses in the summer.</p>

<p>Hi, I’m wondering about the same question.
How intense is the summer session. if anyone’s taken it, can you guys offer some experiences or impressions?
I’m an undergraduate at a US school (though Canadian citizen), so how would McGill’s credits transfer in the US? Also, since the grading standards in Canada are different (an 80% in canada and in the US mean completely different things), would they convert properly, or would that possibly hurt my gpa?</p>


<p>wow…this was a post 4 years ago…time flies</p>

<p>000ace000, you would obviously find out if they transfer by talking to your university. Also, i am not even sure if you can take classes at mcgill if you are not a current mcgill student.</p>

<p>Finally, mcgill doesn’t have grade inflation.</p>