
<p>I keep hearing how McGill's known as the Harvard of Canada, and their BCommerce program gets extremely good wallstreet IB placements, even better than some of the top target schools here. Is this really true? Because I also hear a lot about how bad the school is, like it's really underfunded and that the faculty is lazy. Would it be wise to choose McGill over a top 20 US school?</p>

<p>no definitely not!</p>

<p>^ i agree</p>

<p>if you are someone worthy of a US top 20 school , then mcgill could be your safety</p>

<p>The top 20 school may offer better academics, but McGill is still a good school that is EXTREMELY cheap. Unless you get a great financial aid offer from a Top 20 school, McGill will cost much less - even for an international student.</p>

<p>Top 20 schools tend to give generous finaid packages. And, with a weak dollar, is McGill still a good finaicial deal ?</p>

<p>Mc Gill is a really good school especially for someone looking to go into medicine. Yes, it is underfunded…it is a public school and its facilities are not on par with top US colleges. But the student body is intelligent and motivated. Also, it has really good international recognition so a Mc Gill diploma will help you.</p>