<p>The way my son and his suitemates did food last year, they each had their own part of the cabinet. The cabinets are divided into four sections, so it was easy to distinguish one’s goods from the other. They all liked the same brand breakfast pastry, but each a different flavor. In the beginning, they had post its on the fridge indicating who ate what flavor. The each had a suitcase of their own favorite flavor soda in the fridge. Other than that, their tastes were totally different, so there was no dispute over eating each other’s food. They didn’t like the smell of son’s chicken nuggets, and he didn’t dare touch their Hot Pockets, thanks to a skit on Comedy Central. (Inside joke). Each compartment of the cabinet had a post it with each owner’s name. I never opened the other kid’s cabinets except to clean out the kitchen when we were evacuating after the tornado. We were the last to leave and didn’t want the kids charged for stuff left behind in a hurry. Even though I’m sure they knew within a matter of days whose cabinet belonged to whom, I think they left the names on the post its up for the benefit of guests. It would be rude for one of my son’s guests to munch on goodies from his suitemate’s cabinet, but as son’s guest, his stuff may be considered fair game. </p>
<p>As for dishes and silverware, they each brought their own, and they could distinguish whose was whose by the different patterns. Also helped on the dishwashing, as they would be responsible for washing their own dishes. </p>
<p>Son’s future suitemate contacted him tonight about what he’s bringing for the dorm next year, as in dishes and furniture, and I was like, bring your own dishes, and if you guys want extra furniture, (why would you), they can buy that together when they get there. We have a storage unit over the summer so we don’t have to bring back any more than his clothes ,his printer and computer, and things that I wanted to wash before storing, like plunger, toilet brush, ice trays, dish drying rack. Son has said he wants to have a lot less stuff this year than last year, so I’m hoping to bring about half of the stuff in the storage unit home to either donate to Goodwill or put in the attic for when he gets an apartment. </p>
<p>The vacuum cleaner and cleaning supplies and kitchen towels that we brought since son was the first to arrive because of Alabama Action will go back into the suite to share with the other boys. It’s there already, it will be used, and no reason to bring it back home, and no reason for the other boys to bring more of the same. </p>
<p>Toward the end of the year, the boys discovered pizza delivery. Son said they basically took turns putting it on their ACT cards. I think that’s the only time food was shared. Other than that, they bought and consumed their own. </p>
<p>If you feel you’ll have a problem with moochers, I would suggest the cabinet assignments like my son and his suitemates used, and labeling your respective drinks in the icebox if you think there will be too much sharing. The boys are a lot more laid back than we are about such things, and I think the most hostile they would be about invading one’s food stash would be, Dude, stop eating/drinking my stuff.</p>