Media Studies 101

<p>I'm taking MS 101 this semester with Levina, and like many others in the course, I took MS 10 last fall and am directly taking MS 101 right after it, even though I have no guarantee to get into the course. I know this class will be more difficult than MS 101, and while I did solid in MS 10, I know I'll need to study more for MS 101. Last semester, I knew someone in the class, so if I missed a point in lecture or needed someone to discuss with, I had someone. However, for this class and this semester, I don't.</p>

<p>Does anyone want to share lecture notes that they take in lecture? After every lecture, I type up my notes and usually get most of the main points and the gist of things, but if I'm unable to make lecture due to illness or something like that, I would need someone to get it from. I made every MS 10 lecture last semester, but it would be nice to share notes with others and have another student in the course that I could ask questions to. For anyone interested, I would email my typed notes after every lecture and vice versa, just a small task especially if you bring your laptop to class for notes. Please post if you're interested in collaborating this semester for MS 101.</p>

<p>Bump…Does anyone know possibly anyone taking the course right now and would be interested in doing this?</p>