Meningitis Immunization

<p>You should make sure you have all your immunizations before schools starts, but I wanted to remind everyone that every year, approximately 3 to 8 freshmen living in dorms die of meningitis. At my older S's school a freshman died on the last day of class. Apparently a "bug" gets passed around easily with many students getting it without noticing and only very occasionally does it go to the brain triggering meningitis. I am not an expert by any means; I just want to remind incoming freshmen and parents to talk to their doctors about this.</p>

<p>The following is from the UM website relating it immunizations.<br>
• Meningitis – Recommended for all first-year students
living in residence halls; other students under age 25
may choose to be vaccinated to reduce risk ; ask your
health care provider if a booster is recommended</p>

<p>College dorms are the perfect breeding ground for meningitis. The vaccine is not nearly as painful, in my experience, as getting the tetanus/pertussis/diphtheria combo, and it’s easy to get from a health care provider. </p>

<p>Also, my boyfriend’s mother nearly died from meningitis. It’s no laughing matter, and you can’t assume that you’ll be one of the lucky ones who escape it. </p>