Mens Rowing?

<p>Freshman son giving rowing a try for first time. I know nothing about the sport expect that
it sounds like a huge commitment, they seem like a close-knit bunch, and he is pretty good at it. The perks offered are tutoring at the Kohls center and getting to register for classes a bit earlier. Academics have to come first, and I wonder if anyone has any feedback on the program. He likes to get involved in a lot of things and is concerned the time commitment might be too much. Any information would be greatly appreciated!!!!</p>

<p>Like anything he can try it and drop out. This is the time of his life to do things he won’t later. He could have regrets later in life if he never “goes for it”. Worst case scenario is that his grades suffer, then he quits and knows more about himself and his capabilities to handle stuff. </p>

<p>Memory lane. Back in the early '70s dinner for that part of the Lakeshore halls was in the basement dining hall of Kronshage (now a computer lab). Early in the fall semester everyone would show up at the same time and the line would extend up the stairs and outside. We could hear the Crew practice and even see some through the trees. Someone on my dorm floor went out for women’s Crew, with, of course, no HS experience (hey- NO girl’s sports back then, much less crew). They have done well for decades. They have since replaced the good boathouse with the current obnoxious one- huge and takes away views of the lake for some dorm houses.</p>

<p>as a current 4yr senior wrestler, my parents always doubted I could keep my grades up. Although it is a type of motivation, I would recommend you try to push your son in not only doing it but also helping him stay on schedule with his work/school for a few weeks. Then it won’t be a big problem for him. But this is my opinion…only you know whats best =)
Good Luck!</p>