Merced, Riverside & Santa Cruz to close?

<p>closing any of the campuses, including Merced, is a terribly shortsighted idea. The hit that UC would take from closing ANY campus (failure of that magnitude is a real scar for the whole system) would far outweigh budgetary considerations imo. I would imagine that closing a campus wouldn’t take immediate effect either… can UC simply tell 2700 UCM students to find a new home, let alone the huge enrollments at SC and Riverside? If it won’t have an immediate effect than it would make more sense to just stall/halt new development and keep the school(s) going.</p>

<p>I’m going to laugh when UC Merced becomes the flagship of the UC system 10 years from now, and then advocates to shut down UCSD , LA , And CAL</p>


I’m afraid you’re going to die a sad person.</p>

<p>sunfish, </p>

<pre><code> It would simply be Ironic if it did happen, I take it you go to one of the top UC’s?

<p>no need for rude comments. I think all UC’s should stay strong. But i did not mean to offend you Sunfish.</p>


<pre><code>I am quite happy at UCI, and I nothing to be sad about, except your poor comments.

<p>Haha. You’re the one who is offended. You just need to have a sense of humor and/or a better understanding of the language. I meant to say that Merced won’t become the flagship in the next 50-70 years. The construction “die a ___” doesn’t mean I wish you ill. On the contrary, I’m hoping that you live a long life!</p>

<p>^ In other words he is saying “not in your lifetime” most likely. As one school gets better, it has to surpass other schools that are constantly improving as WELL. It will be a long time.</p>