Merced, Riverside & Santa Cruz to close?

<p>[UC</a> San Diego profs come up with budget fixer: Close UC Merced - Local - Merced Sun-Star](<a href=“]UC”></p>

<p>Note the UCOP declared the option " improbable." But not, however, out of the question.</p>

<p>These are unnerving times.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t put much stake in the economic analysis done by a sociology professor.</p>

<p>IMO, Merced never should have been opened. But, no, it will not close.</p>

<p>IF they close UCSD they will save tons of money. </p>

<p>But for college professors they sure like to take the easy way out. Anyone could of said “close the schools!”. ^ Just like i did.</p>

<p>If they close UCLA i am sure they will save tons of money.</p>

UC San Diego’s profs think that they are a flagship of the UCs</p>

<p>Yea, they decide where the “cutoff” is for the designation of flagship.</p>

<p>We all know the flagship is Berkeley and to some extent UCLA (probably the world’s most famous university).</p>

<p>Lulz, looks like I shouldn’t have turned down UCSD for UCSC, I would have so loved to be in the company of such snobs.</p>

<p>By the way, this blog seems to have the entire message:</p>

<p>[Chris’s</a> Blog Archives: UC San Diego Faculty Statement on Budget Crisis](<a href=“]Chris’s”>Chris's Blog Archives: UC San Diego Faculty Statement on Budget Crisis)</p>

<p>UCSD is one of the UC flagships when it comes to leading research and attracting funding for research. They could make a good case they are ahead os UCLA for sciences.
No campsus will close–but they should and preserve the stronger ones.</p>

<p>I know that UCSD has a good reputation in california and to some extent in the West Coast but to be called a flagship is going a bit far. I mean that aren’t most, if not all, flagships suppose to be in NCAA D1 colleges and the ones with the most land grants. I think Berkeley and LA beat UCSD in this standing and i think we can all agree that UCLA has a better reputation not only in California or the West Coast but in the entire nation and the entire world.</p>

<p>Also to get to the main point, I personally don’t think that any University should have the right to say that another University campus should be closed down, under any circumstances.</p>

<p>I agree with the last paragraph. </p>

<p>personally I think ranking is just a way to make Universities feel good about themselves.
I am sure if you take the students that attend schools like MIT, and Berkeley and place them in a Cal state, the cal state would move up in ranking. Meaning its the composition of students that make up the school, not the other way around.</p>

<p>I would say that for bioresearch UCSD>>UCLA. Also UCSD is nearly caught up to UCLA in total research funding and uCLA had a huge headstart. </p>

<p>I’m only talking academics here, not sports. </p>

<p>The idea that the students make up the school is silly and foolish. Such a school would have little standing with most academics, attract little research money and die on the vine. This is an area where high schools students have no clue about where academic prestige originates.</p>

<p>“I’m only talking academics here, not sports” </p>

<p>true but most, if not all, Flagships have D1 NCAA teams
some examples
Berkeley - Golden Bears
LSU -Tigers</p>

<p>I think it’d be such a huge hassel to close ucm,ucr,and ucsc. It’d take such a long time to figure out what to do with all the students there. And it does sound like the ucsd profs act like it the best uc.</p>

<p>lol, I personally know two incoming freshmen students who turned down the SD campus for the campus in Santa Cruz.</p>

<p>Horrible, unthinkable proposition. I’m interested to see how the system-wide president replies.</p>

<p>That’s probably one of the snobbiest pieces of work I’ve ever read.</p>

<p>i feel bad for UCSC, UCR and UCM

<p>maybe we should just close ucsd :)</p>

<p>The UC system was stupid of thinking that ppl want to spend 4 years in Merced. They should have built that school in Fresno or Bakersfield or Tahoe( bet with Tahoe a lot of student would like to go there) I also dont think closing UCR or UCSC would be easy or cheap UCSC has a dental school, UCR is still going ahead with the school of med ( they are to ahead to stop). Plus together they have a student pop of around 40,000. With UCR it serves a area of 2 million people so that is very unlikely to occur with little protest. UCSD suck it up and deal with the cuts. Unlike you, UCR is a D 1 school and UCSC has a good d2 sports program</p>

<p>No schools should be closed down be it UCSD or UCM,R,or SC
every one of those campuses provide education opportunities for the residents of california.</p>