miami hpme/REMS

<p>so when do we hear about these?</p>

<p>miami hpme guy said they were finishing up decisions last week...but i just emailed him; havent talked to him in a couple weeks. (such a nice guy).</p>

<p>i dont know about rems.</p>

<p>does anyone know anything. i feel like a know nothing from the jacksonian era (yay for history references)</p>

<p>Miami HPM supposed to come out last Friday 2/26 (the earliest) and this week (the latest), week of 2/29. </p>

<p>Interviews will happen in the month of February with South Florida students have earlier interview date.</p>

<p>i haven't even received any notification from miami nothing in regards to undergrad admissions or anything</p>

<p>dittos. its been so cold here that all i can think about is miami :-/</p>

<p>i think REMS will be sending out interview notificiations in february?</p>

<p>I know for a fact that their interview dates are the weekend around march 3rd.</p>

<p>oh that is so not cool. march 4th is clipper, one of our schools big FUNNNN dances. probs wont get it anyways.</p>

<p>My son received an invitation (FedEx) to the REMS weekend Mar 1-3. The only thing better would have been if it included the Renaissance scholarship (haha).</p>

<p>Where is everyone? It wasn't expedite Fedex was it?</p>

<p>takingiteasy, I just checked and it was sent FedEx Priority Overnight. According to the other REMS thread, it seems everyone got it through FedEx.</p>

<p>jerzgrlmom: has ur son sent in the mid-term report form?</p>

<p>No, he hasn't had a chance yet. Report cards are just coming out - the marking period ended this past week. Not sure about UR. Most of his schools require it to be postmarked by 2/15 so hopefully his school will send it this coming week.</p>

<p>oh okay. thanks! - i'm in the same scenario</p>