Miami vs. Richmond vs. Alabama

<p>After touring colleges and thinking things through, I have narrowed my list to 3, Richmond, Alabama, and Miami. If I get into Vanderbilt off the waitlist, I am most likely going there, though.</p>

<p>About each school:
Richmond: I loved the campus, college community, and programs in international business (they say it is #1 in the country). I like the city of Richmond, but it seems a little difficult to get there from the college. The sports are decent, but not like the major conference schools. But, I definitely did feel at home at Richmond. The campus food is also really good.</p>

<p>Alabama: As a NMF, I would receive all of the benefits that they offer to us. When I toured it, I felt that the campus was really nice, and, while big, had most things (even the football stadium!) right on the central quad. The honors college has a great reputation, and they have a ton of money. I really liked Tuscaloosa as well. Strangely, it reminded me of the area of Raleigh where my family is from. Of course, as I die-hard Conservative, I would be right at home in the Deep South. I still wonder if there is an academic trade-off to going to Alabama, though.</p>

<p>Miami: I do believe that weather should be a factor in college decisions, and you can't beat Miami's weather! Also, being in South Florida would provide me with ample opportunities for international business. The campus is also really good, although it looks very different from the other two. I love that sports and school spirit are so big there. One question that I have comes from my college counselor saying that I will be more academically challenged at Richmond and Alabama than at Miami. Is this accurate? Also, I am a finalist for the Singer Scholarship, which would also likely come with a Foote Fellowship, which would exempt me from taking any core requirements. One concern is that it seems a bit liberal (they talked a lot about Clinton and Obama coming to campus and only a little bit about Romney also coming).</p>

Reputation- Richmond>Miami>Alabama
Rigor- Richmond>Alabama>Miami
Sports- Alabama>Miami>Richmond
Weather- Miami>Alabama>Richmond
Politics- Alabama>Richmond>Miami
Size- Miami>the other two
Area Surrounding Campus- Alabama>Miami>Richmond
City- Miami>Richmond>Alabama
Programs- Richmond>the other two
Campuses- Really nice at all three
Food- All three have great food to offer, with Richmond's being more focused to on-campus
Study Abroad- ample opportunities at all three, with Richmond perhaps the best
Dorms- Alabama>the other two
Girls- Very attractive at all three (I would be lying if I said that this did not matter)
School Spirit- Alabama>Miami>Richmond
Money- Alabama $0 (perhaps even a bit better), Miami $15K if I get the scholarship, up to $35K if I don't, Richmond $60K, but we have money
Distance from home-All three are sufficiently removed from home, but Richmond is the only one where I could get home without taking a plane. It is also closest to my family in NC.
Fun for non-drinkers- Richmond>the other two???, but every school is a "party school"</p>

<p>Can you all help me with my decision?</p>

<p>Who told you that Richmond and Bama are more challenging academically? Area surrounding campus more attractive at Alabama. Have you been to Coral Gables?</p>

<p>The first one comes from my college counselor, who said that there would be no top tier at Miami, but I am not sure that it really is the case after visiting. Yes, I have been to Coral Gables (and Tuscaloosa and Richmond), and it seemed that there was more to do immediately off campus in Tuscaloosa. But, note that I put Miami ahead of both Alabama and Richmond for city. If one school were #1 in my mind for everything, I would be committed already!</p>

<p>Where do you live? Are you from the south? I bet that 80% of the people at Ala., and at least 2/3 of the people at Richmond hail from below the Mason-Dixon line, while Miami has people from all over the country.</p>


<p>My family is from the South, but I grew up and live in PA. I am very comfortable with the South, though. If you had seen my whole list you would understand what I mean.</p>

<p>Actually, even using the most broad definition of the South (incl. DE, MD, KS, MO):</p>

<p>Richmond- 41% Southerner
Miami- 56% Southerner (but close to 3/4 of these come from FL, which is very split between Southern and not)
Vanderbilt- 56% Southerner
Alabama- 92% Southerner</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I am a graduate of the University of Richmond (class of '89, so granted it was quite a while ago). My oldest child will be attending Miami this fall. I have no knowledge of Alabama. But here are my thoughts with regards to UR as compared to the little I know about UM so far. What it really comes down to is which school is a better fit for you. I loved my time at UR and made lifelong friends there. I graduated from the business school. Greek life was a very big part of campus life there, at least back then. There was not a whole lot to do on campus on the weekends if you are not into Greek life, which caught my attention in your comment about fun for non-drinkers…not sure I would agree that UR is tops for that. There were plenty of northerners at UR. I lived in PA and had more friends from up north (CT, NY) than from down south. While UR has less than half the number of undergraduate students as Miami, the campus is actually a bit larger in size (acreage-wise). Both campuses are pretty. Personally I think UR is prettier, but I prefer the brick buildings and some hills. </p>

<p>While I loved UR and think it is a great school, it wasn’t a good fit for my son. I may prefer traditional brick, but he prefers the more modern architecture at UM. He also wanted a larger school, with great sports and school spirit, closer to the beach and near a large city…which makes Miami a better fit for him (we hope).</p>

<p>Good luck with your decision. You have some great choices!</p>

<p>Your school counselor might be thinking of the U from the 80’s. This isn’t your father’s Miami. The academic rigor and selectivity is much improved. This is new and improved, Donna S Miami. This school was on our accepted list along w Dartmouth,Vandy, Rice, UNC, Pitt.go where you love and can afford. </p>

<p>^^ I strongly agree that U is a different School as compare to even 90’s. Read the Princeton Review and College profiles and U admitted student has much higher stats then UA. These are from HS class of 2012. </p>

<pre><code> UM UA

<p>Avg GPA 4.2 3.57
GPA 3.75 > 77% 41%
Avg ACT 30 26
ACT 30-36 69% 27%
ACT 24-29 27% 36%
Class Top 10% 69% 43%</p>

<p>I think they are 2 different schools and different backdrop, Coral Gables much different then Tuscaloosa and one should choose where the heart and mind is. I myself an UA alma but my Son choose UM over UA (even UA has a better FA pkg), he even drop Pitt for UM…</p>

<p>But I still love Crimson tide when it comes to Football… </p>

<p>If u look at the stats of UA Honors College which OP would attend the stats would be similar to Miami… if I remember correctly the enroll each year close to 200 NMF and other high stats kids…with a 1400 Cr & M you will receive automatic free tuition…dorms are fabulous…campus gorgeous… I really wished my son would accept that offer instead of either Miami or Tulane and save a lot of that money for grad school…but 18 year olds are so hung up about ranking…BTW LAST YEARS FRESHMAN CLASS WAS OVER 50% from out of state,</p>