<p>So here's my predicament: I graduated in the Spring of 2007 and took a year off. Senior year I was planning on applying to UC-Berkeley, Emory, CCA, MICA, and SCAD. Over the course of the year I did some soul searching and knew that I wanted to attend an art school. I then applied to MICA, SCAD, and Emory. I got into all of them and in the end chose MICA. It is now the spring semester and I have almost completed my foundation studies here. I am not happy at all living in Baltimore but do love the actual school. I also am not fond of the students here... most seem to be spoiled and take for granted what we are learning. I recently acquired information about transferring to SCAD (I did a summer program there and I liked it a lot) and it is possible for me... I want to major in Photography with a minor or concentration in Painting. I guess what I'm really asking is just some kind of way for me to rank them... I don't know... I don't want to have to "start over" but I feel like I could do so much more... and that maybe SCAD will give me more money. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>I’m not an expert on either schools, but I would recommend SCAD. Savannah is a beautiful town (since your main concern is the setting) and very safe compared to Baltimore. I would also look into their Lacoste school in Southern France…its absolutely beautiful, and a great experience, especially for a painter. Here’s a link if you’re interested:</p>

<p>[Savannah</a> College of Art and Design > SCAD-Lacoste](<a href=“http://www.scad.edu/academic/offcampus/scadlacoste.cfm]Savannah”>http://www.scad.edu/academic/offcampus/scadlacoste.cfm)</p>

<p>Good luck and let us know what you choose.</p>

<p>Frankly, why MICA vs. Scad? I am not sure that either one is that good for photography. MICA has a sterling reputation for painting here in Maryland. Before you transfer out, remember that.</p>

<p>However, I would recommend RISD if you are interested in both photography and painting. RISD is a very good art school where the kids take the program very seriously. In addition, they have strong programs in both painting and photography.</p>

<p>As for SCAD, I don’t know anything about their photography or painting program;however, I have never heard anyone rave about either one. SCAD gets on the rader when folks discuss programs such as sequential art.</p>

<p>Another good choice for photography,although I don’t know about their painting program would be RIT. They are top notch in photography.</p>

<p>Thank you both for answering!</p>

<p>To the first poster: I have looked at SCAD pretty in depth… it used to be my first choice of schools when I was in the 9th grade. See, I’m originally from Georgia and my family moved away from there when I was 8 but I always vowed to go back there for school. As high school progressed though I became more aware of knowing that I wanted to do something related to art and looked at a lot of the art schools around. To me, I worried about getting a job after graduation. MICA seemed to have better reputation (like RISD) and I had heard a lot of disagreeable things regarding SCAD. I know that I want to do a study abroad in France and that SCAD has the Lacoste program seems perfect. My problem I guess is more Baltimore… I really don’t feel safe but the school itself is working for me. I don’t know really… I’m just confused. I’ll probably make a pro/con list and we will see.</p>

<p>To the second poster: I guess it just came down to MICA vs. SCAD because I liked both schools when I visited. I did a summer session at SCAD and that was a lot of fun but I was worried they were more a design school than a fine arts school. I know that MICA has a great reputation for painting (at least for the grad program because of Grace Hartigan, etc.) but I wasn’t sure about photography either. I took a Basic Photo class already here and it seems alright… I mean, it was just a refresher from what I did in high school but I’m really not sure yet.</p>

<p>I have looked at RISD but I remember when I visited and didn’t care for Providence itself. One of my best friend though, goes there and she absolutely loves it. She’s in the illustration program and can’t say enough good things about it. I think I’ll look into their program… I know they are known as an exceptional school (as is MICA, but I’m not sure SCAD is?) and I should probably visit again to get a feel for the town.</p>

<p>I’ll check into RIT as well… I haven’t really considered it although a friend of mine’s sister went there and absolutely loved it.</p>

<p>Thanks for both of your responses! I have a lot of research/thinking to do.</p>