Microbiology at Bama

<p>Does anyone know anything about the microbiology program at Bama? I’m particularly interested in how early students can work with professors in their lab. Thanks!</p>

<p>Personally, I don’t know about the microbio program, but certainly students can work with profs in research. </p>

<p>Sometimes students begin working with profs right away, but usually it happens after a student has had a prof as a teacher and either the student asks the prof if the student can help…or…the prof asks the students if any of them are interested in working in his lab. </p>

<p>Some students get a jump on all of this by sending emails to profs before school starts. They might include their stats and info about themselves and ask if there are any opportunities to help the prof with research. </p>

<p>what is your intended career?</p>

<p>I know that Microbiology is located in the new Science and Engineering Complex, so you will have excellent facilities if you come to Bama.</p>

<p>^Some of the Microbiology labs are currently located in the annex of Nott Hall, the same building as the Honors College.</p>

<p>Jose - I would suggest getting in touch with the Honors college and seeing if they can setup a phone conversation with one of the profs. They are the ones who can answer your questions. When we visited a few months ago they setup a session for my son with one of the profs that he enjoyed very much.</p>

<p>I don’t know everything that was discussed but did get a bit of information from my son (not a big talker :slight_smile:

  • Smaller size group of students in the major, but that leaves them very close knit
  • Classes are tough but the size of the group allows them to work together to assist each other
  • Professor did mention to my son that research opportunites were available and you could start doing actual reseach as a frosh. Not just doing odd jobs for the upper classmen.</p>

<p>Son also mentioned that the professor talked to him about his interests and goals. Didn’t just spout off a “rehearsed” script that about how wonderful it was at Bama and talk about the college tradition. I know that impressed son because he was treated as an individual person not as one of a group of consumers.</p>

<p>Thank you to all. Mom2college kids asked about my intended career. It’s not my career. My S is considering Bama. I work at a university and know how important it is for science kids who are interested in research to get hands-on experience so I thought I’d toss out the question to the group. I’m so glad to hear from MemphisGuy that you can start as a frosh. S got into the honors program and we’re planning on visiting the campus next month. We’ll take your advice and set something up. Thanks.</p>