Middle Class Mexican-American

<p>My son has been accepted to various schools. He was top 1% in his class, scored 33 on his ACT, National Hispanic Scholar, Volunteer hours, Varsity sports, etc. We are very lucky because he has been offered some great scholarships for several state schools in and out of TX. However, I was wondering about the availability of outside scholarships he can use at any schools (he is still not sure where he will be attending). I've been through the sticky thread and a lot of it is outdated or applies only to low income minority students or first generation - we are middle class (combined income for parents 125,000 yr) and both have college degrees. Is there anything out there he can apply for?</p>

<p>Very close to all (I’m not going to be absolute as there may be something I’m not aware of) of the major Outside scholarships have a need factor. This applies to those directed at Hispanic students as well as those open to anyone. </p>

<p>Your best bet is local scholarships, although these are generally for relatively small amounts (1k or less) and are only for 1 year. The best place to find out about these is usually your HS GC, although it may be getting late to apply to some of these.</p>

<p>By far the best source of scholarships that last all 4 years of college are the Institutional ones that your son has received from colleges.</p>

<p>i don’t know if there is. but if there’s places that are already offering him a full ride why doesn’t he go to one of those schools. you could try to get the costs down at other schools through finding more scholarships but that sounds like a lot of work you shouldn’t have to do. and the prestige of the institution really isn’t that important. remember what the posters said in this thread when you were wondering if it’d impact his chances at medical schools to go somewhere less prestigious?</p>

<p><a href=“Overwhelmed - Hispanic Students - College Confidential Forums”>Overwhelmed - Hispanic Students - College Confidential Forums;

<p>they said not to worry. and certainly the prestige isn’t worth tens of thousands of dollars of your hard earned money. your son is hispanic, he has <em>awesome</em> stats ( stats that would be awesome for anyone applying anywhere) and he also has ambition. honestly the school should be paying for him to attend. for all of it. not you. not your family. the school. if they’re not then find a school that will, surely some schools will. possibly you could make some kind of deal with these ivy league schools that want you to contribute substantially, or whichever ones it is that want you to pay, like that if they make the cost zero for you, your son will go there, but if not he’s going somewhere else that’s not charging you guys a penny. as a “minority” student with the qualifications he has he’s way more precious to a lot of these prestigious schools then anything they could be charging you for him to attend. they would easily fold and give him a full scholarship if you made that the condition for him attending i think. i’m not saying do that, but just know how valuable your son is to them, he’s very valuable. that’s why i don’t like the idea of you having to pay for any of his education, the school is getting the way better deal and they know it. it’s like, they’d have the good deal no matter what. even with a full scholarship it would still be worth it to the school to recruit him. but just because they can charge you, just because your family is middle class and they can count on you not protesting the expense (because, hey, they’re prestigious and they accepted <em>your</em> son), they’re going to wring all that they think they can get from families like yours. that’s when you have to say no, and call them on their greed. if you contribute substantially in the end it’s okay, it’s not the end of the world or anything, but it just seems wrong to me.</p>



<p>Highly selective colleges that give only need based FA tend to only match other need based FA offers from peer schools. It is very rare that they will match a merit award from a non-peer college.</p>



<p>While the OPs S is very accomplished, competition is extremely strong at the highly selective colleges, including for Hispanic candidates.</p>

<p>OP, one more thing to consider with Outside scholarships is how colleges will deal with them. It varies by school, so you need to read the college websites for specifics. Many of the need only schools will first apply Outside scholarships towards WS and loans, and then against grants. This can still be beneficial, for instance, D1 went to a no loan school and her Outside scholarship was applied towards her WS amount every year, thus relieving her somewhat from working as many hours as she would have needed to to recoup that money. If you are receiving no FA other than loans, it can help offset some loans. However, if is being used to replace grant aid, then it may not actually reduce the amount you pay.</p>

<p>Many of the outside scholarships for middle-class Hispanics have deadlines that have already passed. I know because my DD applied for them and received some of them. In the sticky thread there are some listings of scholarship listings for Hispanics so I would search through those first. Then do a Google search but my DD has been applying for them since Oct. </p>

<p>Entomom gives good advice. Apply to the local ones where you have a smaller application pool. </p>

<p>“Many of the outside scholarships for middle-class Hispanics have deadlines that have already passed. I know because my DD applied for them and received some of them. In the sticky thread there are some listings of scholarship listings for Hispanics so I would search through those first.”</p>

<p>Even if the outside scholarship deadlines have passed can you give me an example or list of what they are? I have a younger daughter that will be attending college in a couple of years and I would hate to miss these opportunities a second time. I’ve gone through the list and google searched for hours and am having difficulty finding very many opportunities for accomplished middle class students - Hispanic or otherwise.</p>

<p>And thanks to everyone else for posting suggestions and advise. I will definitely look into every avenue you guys have posted about. </p>

<p>The resource sticky thread at the top of this forum has a section. Here is the link if you need help finding it. <a href=“Resources for Hispanic students - START HERE - Hispanic Students - College Confidential Forums”>Resources for Hispanic students - START HERE - Hispanic Students - College Confidential Forums;

<p>Also look at Hispanic Scholarship Fund; Getmetocollege.org and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.</p>