Middlebury College offers $10,000 pay-to-delay as enrolment surges

Looks like Northeastern and Boston University are not the only New England schools overenrolled!

Sorry about the paywall.

Middlebury College offers $10k pay-to-delay proposal as enrollment surges - The Boston Globe

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Here is an article on the topic that is not paywalled:


Is yield up vs. prior years (so – they’re pleasantly surprised/horrified), or did they simply let in too many kids?

Back in 15…

It is upper classman who over overenrolled, they claim in the article it is from COVID still


The surge is caused by those who took time off for covid, not by the incoming freshmen.

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“The surge is caused by the return of students who took time off during the pandemic, not the incoming freshman class numbering 600, Smita Ruzicka, vice president for student affairs, and Michelle McCauley, interim vice president, wrote in an announcement on Monday.”

Like everything else has, snapping back from the pandemic causes disruptions.

They can’t tell the displaced kids they can’t come back, and they can’t have a much smaller incoming class to make room because then the ripple effect on revenue and enrollment multiplies out over several years.

“Hey we will pay you to back off and give us time to figure this out” is probably the best solution, unless you are a competitive minded student who doesn’t want to have to explain to future employers/graduate schools why it took you 6+ years to graduate from Middlebury (you graduated high school in 202X, but graduated in 202X…)

I’d think one solution for Middlebury is extra time studying abroad. So many of their students are language majors that they might enjoy an extra term abroad. Send half in the fall and half in the spring. Studied in Germany? Try Italy for 5 months. Study Art in Greece or Belgium.